Genesis Featured Page Extras Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Increased Flexibility for Featured Pages with Genesis
This plugin brings you a “Featured Page” widget with up to 34 options (instead of only 9)! Use it additionally to the existing original widget if you need more flexibility.
Especially useful for using own links and page teaser content on a home page or anywhere in a widget area. Fully leverages Genesis’ awesomeness. Build with webmasters, non-coders and security in mind. I have developed this plugin for my clients to fullfill their needs for their home pages on their small business sites.
Control title link for featured Page, plus Widget title link!
Set custom teaser content for page – or use page excerpt, or content (limit) via Genesis 🙂
A great helper tool for Genesis Child Themes!
Please note: The plugin requires the Genesis Theme Framework (in version 2.0 or higher), a paid premium product released by StudioPress/ Copyblogger Media LLC (via
Video of Plugin’s Widget Options Walkthrough plus Demo:
original video link by plugin developer David Decker
Benefits & Advantages
- All functionality already there in the existing “Featured Page” widget, but now you can:
- Use extra URL for widget title, or (temporarily) hide the widget title
- Use a custom image instead of “Featured Image”, integrated with Media Uploader, also external URL possible
- Optionally use the Page Byline (Genesis Post/ Page Info)
- As Page teaser content use: full page content OR content limit OR page excerpt OR own custom text/ content OR even no content at all…
- Use own URL, link target and text for “More” link
- Fully optional intro & outro text before and after widget content (there are also additional action hooks for developers available!)
General Features
- Small & lightweight plugin tool: Just activate plugin, use the widget and you’re done!
- Built with best WordPress and Genesis standards, and security in mind!
- Fully internationalized! Real-life tested and developed with international users in mind!
- Fully WPML compatible!
- Fully Multisite compatible, you can also network-enable it if ever needed (per site use is recommended).
- Tested with WordPress 3.8 branch (plus upcoming 3.9 alpha) – also in debug mode (no stuff there, ok? 🙂
- Always recommended to run the latest versions of everything! 🙂
- WordPress version 3.6 or higher
- Genesis Framework version 2.0 or higher (Note: paid premium product at!)
- A Genesis child theme – both variants, XTHML and HTML5 child themes are supported
Translations: Internationalization (i18n) / Localization (L10n)
- English (default) – always included
- German (de_DE) – always included
- .pot file (
) for translators is also always included 🙂 - Easy plugin translation platform with GlotPress tool: Translate “Genesis Featured Page Extras”…
- Your translation? – Just send it in
A plugin from and GenesisThemes
Credit where credit is due: This plugin here is inspired and partly based on the work of the Genesis Developers for “Featured Page” widget, plus on the work of Johan van de Merwe for “Genesis Featured Page Extended” — but can be used alongside both of them.
- I am open for your suggestions and feedback – Thank you for using or trying out one of my plugins!
- Drop me a line @deckerweb on Twitter
- Follow me on my Facebook page
- Or follow me on +David Decker on Google Plus 😉
This Plugin…
- …is Quality Made in Germany
- …was created with love (plus some coffee) on an Ubuntu Linux powered machine 🙂
- Also see my other plugins or see my profile page
- Tip: GenesisFinder – Find then create. Your Genesis Framework Search Engine.
- Hey, come & join the Genesis Community on Google+ 🙂
Plugin Links
Enjoy using Genesis Featured Page Extras? Please consider making a small donation to support the project’s continued development.
- English – default, always included
- German (de_DE): Deutsch – immer dabei! Download auch via
- For custom and update-secure language files please upload them to
(just create this folder) – This enables you to use fully custom translations that won’t be overridden on plugin updates. Also, complete custom English wording is possible with that as well, just use a language file
to achieve that.
Easy plugin translation platform with GlotPress tool: Translate “Genesis Featured Page Extras”…
Note: All my plugins are internationalized/ translateable by default. This is very important for all users worldwide. So please contribute your language to the plugin to make it even more useful. For translating I recommend the awesome “Codestyling Localization” plugin and for validating the “Poedit Editor”, which works fine on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Idea Behind / Philosophy
As I needed more options for that page widget for myself for a long time, I finally build/ forked into my own new plugin. Sometimes it is really more helpful to have a few options handy then to rely only on decisions from someone…! 😉
- Thanks to all users of the plugin and all feedback that I got so far! 🙂
- Thanks to Genesis developers for the already awesome “Featured Page” widget! (GPL-2.0+)
- Thanks to Johan van de Merwe for the awesome “Genesis Featured Page Extended” widget! (GPL-2.0+)
- Thanks to Thomas Griffin for the “New Media Uploader” example plugin! (GPL-2.0+)
- Thanks to “Modern Tribe” developers for the “Image Widget” plugin! (GPL-2.0+)
Last but not least
Special Thanks go out to my family for allowing me to do such spare time projects (aka free plugins) and supporting me in every possible way!
Genesis Featured Page Extras: the new featured page extras widget options (Click here for larger version of screenshot)
Genesis Featured Page Extras: the plugin in action on a live site – with a HTML5 child theme… (Click here for larger version of screenshot)
Genesis Featured Page Extras: the plugin in action on a live site – with a XHTML child theme – here without a featured image… (Click here for larger version of screenshot)
Genesis Featured Page Extras: plugin’s help tab. (Click here for larger version of screenshot)