Geoposty GeoLocation Widgets, Posts And Redirects Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
IMPORTANT NOTE: The free GeoPosty API Web service, free support of the GeoPosty WordPress Plugin, and all related services has been discontinued — effective March 11, 2013. Details about alternative service options and continued plugin use are available here:
This plugin has been patched to connect to the Neustar Developer IP Intelligence service.
All existing users looking to continue the practice of geolocation should install this patch.
All new users may sign up and work with Neustar directly.
Features (pages/posts/widgets):
*Insert local weather
*Insert Google map with custom search and size settings
*Insert Shortcodes: These are geo-ip-specific fields that will dynamically populate accurately for your visitor’s location, as indicated by their ip address [1]
*Insert localized content
*Location-based display settings: You can customize who sees what content, based on their actual location (state, city, zip, metro area, etc.)
*Redirect and display settings: You can set up redirects based on the location of your user.
Additional Widget:
*Businesses: Pick your search term and the number of items and your readers will see relevant local business listings.
A note about best practices: GeoPosty is not for spammers or other unsavory folk. We absolutely do not condone using our product to mislead, misinform, abuse, oppress, or otherwise manipulate users. Please do not use our product to make your site spammy. GeoPosty reserves the right to deny service to anyone.
[1] Shortcodes should NOT be used in page titles because they will break your URLs!