Get Notified – Viral Facebook Notifications For WP Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Get MAMMOTH Facebook recurring traffic with THE best kept secret…
Get Notified offers webmasters, bloggers and eCommerce admins a SUPERPOWER unlike any other – Send a direct notification to people’s Facebook profiles. Powerful is an understatement, this is the HOLYGRAIL of recurring Facebook traffic.
In a world where email marketing has taken a turn for the worst, where a 20% open rate is considered high and even worse, click through rates are usually less than 5%… We achieved clickthrough rates and PAGEVIEW RATES as high as 55%!
Can you be surprised by such results? People check their Facebook profiles more often than their inbox. Furthermore, your message appears right there along side their favorite family members and games or pages they are passionate about.
- Send POWERFUL notifications to all your subscribers directly from your dashboard Posts/Pages or any custom post type linking directly back to your content!
- Select from several “Get notified” buttons to display on your website
- Step by Step instructions for your visitor. A couple of clicks and we’re done.
- It’s easier than double opting in your email.
- You get both; exposure in the user’s notifications and his email address.
- With nearly 85% of internet users on Facebook in some areas of the world, and this number ever-growing, you’ve got an edge compared to old school “email marketing” where you’re lucky to reach 85% of inboxes you’ve acquired.
Great powers come with modest requirements, here they are:
- PHP 5.4
- SSL installed
- You’ll need a Facebook app (3 minute process and free)