Signature Add-On For Gravity Forms Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Try a demo of the Signature Add-on for Gravity Forms Here
Please note you will need the following plugins installed to completely automate the collection of contracts using Gravity Forms and WP E-Signature.
1. Gravity Forms
2. WP E-Signature (Elite or Lifetime license)
3. Stand Alone Document (comes with above licenses)
*A Elite or Lifetime license is required and can be purchased at
What would you do if you found out the contracts you use to run and operate your business were not legally binding?
What if you and your client were in a courtroom only to find out that the digital signature used on your contract was not signed with a compliant e-signature application?
The legal industry is a highly regulated industry that has strict laws and regulations around the electronic signature and digital signature submission process.
How is this Signature Add-On different than the Gravity Forms Signature Add-on by Rocket Genius?
WordPress Form Plugins like Gravity Forms are absolutely fantastic! You can create some amazing and incredible WordPress workflows using their powerful WordPress Forms plugin; However, signing a legally binding contract is NOT Gravity Forms main focus (it is WP E-Signature’s SOLE focus). We have spent years developing a platform that adheres to the strict UETA and ESIGN national and international document signing guidelines.
Most WordPress contract plugins and signature add-ons out there are not legally binding let alone UETA/ESIGN compliant (they do not adhere to the strict laws and regulations in the document singing industry). These typical signature add-ons, only “capture signature information as it is drawn and sends data to your web server where this information is converted into a PNG image and stored on your server.”
This method, exposes you and your signers legal signature on the ftp server where your WordPress website lives. In other words the png files most signature add-ons generate, of your client’s hand drawn legal signature (the same signature which is used to buy a house, apply for a credit card, take out a business loan) is available to ANY ftp intruder; putting both you and your signer at high risk for identity theft.
This Signature Plugin fills in the gap by making the e-signature process compliant with UETA/ESIGN regulations.
The new signature add-on by Approve Me is the bridge between a form generation plugin and having a UETA / ESIGN compliant document signing application that lives on your WordPress website.
Watch the video above to see how you can save time and money by completely automating contracts for your web design, photography, consulting or freelance business using our Signature Add-On for Gravity Forms.
WP E-Signature by ApproveMe focuses 100% on legally binding contract signing (UETA & ESIGN compliant). No monthly fees. So you can use your website to sign contracts. It is by far the most customizable document singing application built for WordPress.
ApproveMe’s WP E-Signature adhere’s to the strictest electronic signature and digital signature regulations by encrypting, storing, and protecting your data in such in a way that is damn near difficult to retrieve from a database let alone manipulate a contract.
If the validity of a signature were to ever get questioned in a court room you would have peace of mind knowing that both you and your signer are protected by the ApproveMe verified seal.
If you’re wanting even more out of WP E-Signature, we have it! There are TONS of advanced features available for our Elite or Lifetime license holders. Our WordPress Contract Plugin is by far the easiest way to integrate a court recognized Gravity Forms Approval process into your WordPress website.
Signature Add-On for Gravity Forms by Approve Me allows you to capture court recognized signatures immediately after a user submits a Gravity Form by either emailing or redirecting the users that recently filled out your gravityform to a unique contract or agreement made specific for that user, requiring them to draw (or type) their electronic signature using a touchscreen device, touch pads or even a mouse.
With WP E-Signature (Elite or Lifetime) and this Digital Signature for GravityForms plugin you can automatically generate a contract for your customers to sign based on their form results from a Gravity Forms.
That’s just the start. Once customers sign…
…you and the customer will automatically receive a PDF of their signed contract.
…no need to register on an outside website (all signatures happen without leaving your site)
… you’ll have a 100% legally compliant signature on file to protect you AND the customer (according to UETA/ESIGN guidelines).
This e-signature add-on transforms your WordPress website into a court-recognized document signing application (but without the monthly fees… and with unlimited users).
- Perfect for those wanting to automate the collection of signatures on proposals, estimates, timesheets, terms of service agreements, new client contracts, waiver forms and more!
Automatically require your WordPress visitors to sign a legally binding agreement after submitting a gravity form.
Quickly and easily add court recognized contract signing capabilities into your WordPress website using this Signature Add-on for Gravity Forms and ApproveMe’s WP E-Signature (Elite or Lifetime license). Gone are the days of sending your signers to an unrelated third party website just so they can sign your web design, photography, consulting or freelance contract. The form submitter will never have to leave your website or heaven forbid install any special browser plugins, add-ons or extensions to sign your contract.
With ApproveMe’s WP E-Signature and their new Signature Add-On for Gravity Forms you can create a legally binding contract that is tailored 100% to the user that just submitted your Form.
Do the smart thing. Don’t get caught in a courtroom with a document that’s not legally binding.
Transform one single page of your existing WordPress website into a secure document and electronic signature application. WP Digital E-Signature by ApproveMe, is a legally binding WordPress Contract Plugin, that’s easy to use.
WP E-Signature has a very extensive e-signature premium add-on library with dozens of expandable and customizable e-signature automations and third-party integrations to further enhance your custom document signing needs.
The Signature Add-On works on all major desktop and mobile browsers. This includes IE, FireFox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, iOS, Android, and WebOS.
In additional to being incredibly easy to use, ApproveMe’s Signature Add-on for Gravity Forms WordPress can automatically insert data that was submitted from a Gravity Form into a UETA/ESIGN compliant and court recognized contract using your very own WordPress website.
So if you have a dropdown menu in your Gravity Form called “Web Design Package” and you offer a few different packages (each with a different price point) you can easily create a contract that includes the package details of an order in the contract that gets sent to your Gravity Form end-user.
WP E-Signature is significantly different than the current signature add-on offered by Gravity Forms as it gives Gravity users the power (and leverage) to host their own document signing application that hooks into Gravity Form results and triggers on-demand legal contracts (that are compliant with all the document signing e-signature laws and regulations).
Automatically Trigger Contracts To Be SentOnce a user submits a gravity form you can automatically trigger a Contract to either be sent via email or to be the very next page the Gravity Form Submitter sees when they submit their form.
Connect Gravity Forms With Wp E-SignatureThis Signature Add-On for Gravity Forms will combine the powerful features of gravity forms with the relentless fury of features from WP E-Signature.
Add Gravity Form Field Values Into A Wp E-Signature ContractWith Signature Add-On for Gravity Forms you can easily insert submitted form results into a contract that gets triggered automatically once a user completes a Gravity Form submission.
Redirect User To Wp E-Signature Contract After Gravity Form SubmissionOnce a user successfully completes a Gravity Form Submission they are automatically redirected the contract of your choice using this premium E-Signature add-on.
Email A User A Contract Once They Fill Out A Gravity FormAfter successful form submission you can choose to email the form submitter (or another user if the other users email and name was in the gravity form that was just completed).
Signing Reminder EmailsIf a user has not yet signed the agreement that you were requiring them to sign after submitting your gravity form, you can automatically activate signing reminder emails where you can choose the trigger date, the frequency of reminder emails, and the expiration date of the signing reminder emails.
Try a demo of the Signature Add-on for Gravity Forms Here
Strength & flexibility
WP E-Signature is built using WordPress best practices both on the front and the back end. This results in an efficient, robust and easy-to-use plugin.
Legally Binding
WP E-Signature is recognized in court. We are (UETA) and (ESIGN) compliant and adhere to some of the strictest document signing polices in the US and European unions.
Electronic Signature Security and Encryption
Security is our priority. All of your signed documents and signatures are kept hidden and encrypted on your server using a secure encryption sequence and signer specific URL. Additionally you have the option of forcing SSL security (when an SSL certificate is installed on your server) for all WP E-Signature related pages.
Signer Audit Trail & Reporting
Documents move turbo speed from signer to signer. We include a detailed audit report with viewer details, ip addresses, analytics and signer history. See how the audit trail can protect you and your signers
Document Signing Automation
If you do business online, customers probably have to sign an agreement or an online contract. Problem is a paper agreement doesn’t hold up if your business is an online business and your customers are online customers. You can try mailing or even scanning a contract to your digital customers which costs you time and money, in the meantime you have the risk of losing your customer because of the added delay.
What you need is WP E-Signature. WP E-Signature lets you customize the signing process for what you need with no monthly fees. With a comprehensive marketplace of add-on extensions including Save as PDF, Dropbox Sync, Signer Input Fields, and dozens more which make it easy to automate and customize your document signing process.
WP E-Signature works with any WordPress website, including the default WordPress themes. If you need help installing WordPress E-Signature check out our getting started docs and start signing documents using your WordPress website. Looking to get WordPress Proposals signed? We got you covered!
If you’re looking for a tailored WordPress eSigning integration or add-on designed specifically to be used for your document signing needs be sure to browse the official WP E-Signature Business Add-On Extensions which come with an Lifetime or Elite license. If you don’t see the integrations you need… let us know.
You could also use a third party document signing service but they charge monthly fees and what’s worst, your customers are forced to create an account on an unrelated website just to sign your companies documents.
e-signature WordPress Features
Whether you’re operating a wedding photography business a membership based website, or a just a small web design agency in need of clients signing your website terms of service WP E-Signature has you covered. You can read all about ‘WP E-Signature’ features on the ApproveMe website.
Your business is unique, your online document signing process should be too. Choose from many of our e-signature workflows best of all e-signature is hosted using your WordPress website.
Tablet & Smart Phone Friendly
Upload documents via WordPress dashboard and collect real client signatures through your website using ApproveMe’s WordPress Contract Plugin. Users sign documents online using their mouse, trackpad, tablet, or phone.
No Monthly Fees
WP E-Signature is the easiest and most affordable way to sign documents online using WordPress. You have full control over your data – it never leaves your server. Built exclusively for WordPress.
More About Gravity Forms
Gravity Forms is a premium featured advanced drag and drop, email notification routing, lead generation and capturing, conditional logic wielding, WordPress forms plugin that offers the ability to create WordPress posts from front-end hosted forms.
Need Support?
So we can better serve you and to avoid support tickets getting lost in outer space we try to provide world-class support via our website.
We do not offer support on the forum.
To create a support ticket please login to your account and we look forward to helping you resolve your issue.
If you have any other non-support related questions about ApproveMe’s WP E-Signature you’re welcome to ask any pre-sale questions from our contact form page.
Free ebook:
7 Ways to Protect Your Company from Contracts That Aren’t Binding
To view a live Gravity to WP E-Signature demo you can check one out at:
Try Gravity Forms + WP E-Signature Demo Here
Additional Info
Other notable PDF features and workflows for Signature Add-On for Gravity Forms plugin
- Completely automate the signature collection process for your freelance or small business
- A copy of the signed agreement can be downloaded as a PDF from your website
- A Signed PDF can be synced with your Dropbox account
- An attached court recognized PDF can be emailed to both the signer and yourself
All documents are encrypted and stored on your WordPress website (not somebody else’s)
Learn more about the WP E-Signature document security here: (
Free ebook:
7 Ways to Protect Your Company from Contracts That Aren’t Binding
A valid WP E-Signature business license is required for this Gravity Forms Signature plugin to work. You can easily purchase yours at (
No Monthly Fees • UETA & ESIGN Compliant • Legally Binding • Money Back Guarantee
All signed agreements can be saved as a PDF, attached to an email, automatically synced to a Dropbox account and more! You decide how this should work!
A valid Elite or Lifetime is required for Gravity Forms Signature plugin by ApproveMe to properly work
Get Your ApproveMe License Now
Add New Document: Once you’ve installed the WP E-Signature, you just need to draft up a new “Stand Alone Document”
Gravity Form Data If you click the Signer Input Fields icon you will see the option “Gravity Form Data” you will need to click this in order to connect a gravity Form to this contract.
Select Your GravityForm: If you already have your gravity form created you can easily insert dynamic field data (from the gravity Form that is being submitted/triggering this contract) by selecting the Gravity Form.
Choose Your Gravity Form Fields: Once you’ve selected your Gravity Form you will see the available field options from this particular Gravity Form. You can easily insert the submitted results from your gravity Form in ANY place throughout this contract that you are creating.
Document Signing Options (optional): WP e-signature by ApproveMe is a powerful e-signature tool filled with LOTS of customizable options i.e. Signing reminder Emails, Attach PDF to emails, Dropbox Sync, Auto Register WordPress Users, and TONS more. To read all about the available add-on features (which come with the Elite or Lifetime license) you can checkout:
Connect Your Document to a Page:Once you have customize your contract to taste you will need to select a BLANK WordPress page to attach this document to. Do not include this page in your Nav menu since all of the magic actually happens after the Gravity Form is submitted (there’s no need to link to this page because the user will either be emailed a custom link or they will be automatically redirected once the gravity Form is submitted).
Click “LET’S GO NOW”: After you have published your contract you will need to connect your Stand Alone Document to your Gravity Form. This is pretty straight forward. Just click the button “LET’S GO NOW!” to be redirected to the actions/trigger tab for your specific Gravity Form.
Define Your Signing Logic: This is the page (inside of Gravity Forms) that needs to be customized. Please choose the Signers Full Name and the Signers Email address along with any other additional/advanced e-signature settings you’d like for your contract.
User Submits a Gravity Form Once a user submits the Gravity Form that you connected to your WP e-signature contract they will either be redirected to the contract immediately or emailed a invitation to signer their specific/custom contract that includes details from the submitted Gravity Form.
Review & eSign: Your users will review the contract and add their signature to the contents of the contract.
Select a Digital Signature:Signers can choose a typed or digital signature
Agree & eSign:With their e-signature, the customers agree to the terms of the document
View Signed Document Email:Customers will be sent an email that includes the link to the document (and PDF if you opt for this method).
Save as PDF:Customers can either print or download their signed document from the website. To do this, they need to click “View Signed Document” from the link in the email they attained upon signing the document. With the Attach as PDF add-on install you could also automatically include thee signed contract as a PDF attachment in this email.
WordPress Audit Trail e-signature Certificate: Proving signer intent is a very important component to signing electronic documents. Every contract that is signed using WP E-Signature includes a detailed Signature Certificate. You can read all about the security of this report here.