Guest Author Meta Block Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Guest Author Meta Block Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

The Guest Author Meta Block plugin allows users to assign guest authors to posts using a meta box in the post editing screen. A corresponding Gutenberg block can be added to the post content to display the guest author dynamically on both the editor and front end. Users can style the block (font size, bold, italic, underline) and choose to hide the block if needed.


  • Adds a “Guest Author(s)” meta box to posts.
  • Supports dynamic display of guest authors in the Gutenberg block.
  • Options to adjust font size, bold, italic, and underline.
  • Option to hide the block on the front end.
  • Secure input processing with nonce verification and sanitization.

Short Description

Adds a “Guest Author(s)” meta box and a block to display guest author information in posts.


This plugin is licensed under the GPLv2 or later. You can read more about the license at


guest.svg – Partially created by Widyatmoko and Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project


  1. The guest author meta box in the post editor.

    The guest author meta box in the post editor.

  2. The guest author block settings in the Gutenberg editor.

    The guest author block settings in the Gutenberg editor.

  3. Text format settings for the guest author block settings.

    Text format settings for the guest author block settings.

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