HandyPlugins PaddlePress – Paddle Integration For WordPress - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
HandyPlugins PaddlePress is a standalone payments plugin that connects Paddle with WordPress. Simply set up a Paddle account and start accepting credit cards on your WordPress site.
Plugin Website: https://handyplugins.co/paddlepress-pro/
HandyPlugins PaddlePress PRO Features
HandyPlugins PaddlePress PRO provides additional functionalities to integrate Paddle with WordPress. PRO features:
- Customer Dashboard: Let your members easily view and manage their account details.
- Membership Levels: Create an unlimited number of membership packages and map with your Paddle products or plans.
- Restrict Contents: Restrict your contents to particular membership levels easily.
- Downloads: Downloadable items are available under the customer’s account page. You can limit access to files based on the plans that customers have.
- Website License Management: If you decide to sell domain based licensing keys. You can let your users register their domains.
- Subscription Upgrades and Downgrades: Customers can move between subscription levels and only pay the difference.
- Emails: Send welcome emails to new members, email payment receipts, and remind members before their account expires automatically.
By upgrading to HandyPlugins PaddlePress PRO you also get access to one-on-one help from our knowledgeable support team and our extensive documentation site.
Learn more about PaddlePress Pro
- Website owners who want to sell “members-only” digital content or provide SaaS functionality on their WordPress website. Learn how to do that
- WordPress developers who want to sell WordPress plugins or themes.
Checkout how easy to manage releases with HandyPlugins PaddlePress Pro.
Contributing & Bug Report
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on Github. Some of our features are pro only, please consider before sending PR.
Our documentation can be found on https://handyplugins.co/paddlepress-pro/docs/