Hello Green Click By Green Aureus Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Hello Green Click By Green Aureus Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Integrate climate action into your store seamlessly with our plugin. By allowing customers to round up their purchases to offset their carbon footprint or automatically include CO₂ credits in the sales price, you create a transparent and verifiable way to showcase your sustainability efforts.
This boosts your sales and builds stronger customer trust and loyalty. Our blockchain-based solution ensures that your contributions to environmental protection are genuine and easily traceable.


  1. WooCommerce

Third-Party Service Disclosure

This plugin relies on a third-party service, Hello Green Click, for handling CO2 offset data and messages. The plugin makes external API calls to the following endpoints:

  1. https://dashboard.hellogreenclick.com/api/place_order – to place an order for CO2 offsets.
  2. https://dashboard.hellogreenclick.com/api/messages/info – to retrieve informational messages.
  3. https://dashboard.hellogreenclick.com/api/settings – to retrieve settings from the service.

For more information about Hello Green Click, please visit:
Hello Green Click Website
Terms of Service
Privacy Policy


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