Horizontal Meta Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Horizontal Meta Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Give WordPress meta queries a performance kick. Change the structure of important meta data fields to a horizontal/relational structure to overcome the performance restrictions that exist in the current meta structure.

Horizontal Meta creates additional relational tables in monitors specific meta keys for updates and deletions and will copy any update into the relational table.

NOTE: Horizontal Meta is currently NOT compatible with advanced meta querying features available in WordPress 4.1 and later!!! You will still be able to use Horizontal Meta for meta data extraction, but Horizontal Meta will not be able to rewrite complex queries. This may be available sometime in the future.

What it’s got

  • Create Data-typed mappings in a horizontal/relational structure.
  • Includes short text (string), date, time, numeric, decimal, text, long text data types.
  • Powerful user interface to review data stored in meta keys and manage the mappings stored in the system.
  • Manage mappings with the Horizontal Meta API
  • Works with User meta and Post meta
  • Compatible with multisite.

Perform Faster Meta Queries

Access your post and user meta data faster than ever before! Horizontal Meta takes a snapshot of your data and makes it accessible at record speeds!

Powerful Interface to Manage Mappings

Horizontal Meta comes with a powerful interface to manage your meta mappings. Create new post and user mappings and reviewing data within each mapping are just a few of the features available.

API for Developers

Create mappings on the fly with the develops API.

Data Typed Meta Data

Multiple data types allow you to perform natively data typed mysql queries without the need to cast your data. Horizontal Meta supports string, int*, decimal*, date* & datetime* with more to come soon. (* Requires premium version)

Provides a Relational Table for Writing Custom Queries

Horizontal Meta creates an additional relational table which can be used to create custom sql queries without the need to join to the WordPress meta table.


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Policy Documents


  1. horizontal-meta screenshot 1

    Remove Mappings Screen

  2. horizontal-meta screenshot 2

    Create Mapping Screen with Data Compatibility Test as Pass.

  3. horizontal-meta screenshot 3

    Create Mapping Screen with Data Compatibility Test as Caution.

  4. horizontal-meta screenshot 4

    Data Management Screen. Check if data is in sync between WordPress and Horizontal Meta.

  5. horizontal-meta screenshot 5

    Options Screen.

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