IMDb Connector Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

IMDb Connector Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
4.8 Average out of 6 ratings
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Plugin Description

IMDb Connector is a simple plugin that allows you to easily access the database through the API provided by and get details for a specific movie.

So far, the plugin comes with the following features:

  • Widgets that lets you display the movie details within your sidebar,
  • PHP functions that allows theme/plugin developers to easily parse information for a specific movie,
  • Shortcodes which you can use to display one or more details about a movie inside your post or page,
  • and a settings page that lets you (de)activate features and customize the way IMDb Connector works.

For instructions on how to use, examples and additional information, please see the official documentation.

In case you like this plugin, please consider making a donation to Brian Fritz, the author of IMDb Connector is based on.

If you have any other ideas for features, please don’t hesitate to submit them by sending me an e-mail and I’ll try my best to implement it in the next version. Your username will be added to the plugin’s contributor list, of course (if you provide one).

Feel free to make IMDb Connector easier to use for users fron a non English speaking country by help translating the plugin on Transifex.


  1. imdb-connector screenshot 1

    The plugin’s settings page.

  2. imdb-connector screenshot 2

    The standard widget displayed in a sidebar.

  3. imdb-connector screenshot 3

    The widget configuration on the admin interface.

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