Infinite Scroll And Ajax Load More Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Forgot the next page click and wait for the load list of the posts on the next page.
By using the Infinite scrolling you can list out all post on the same page by just scrolling the page down.
The another choice is you put the “Load More” button by using the shortcode, by click on the load more button some list of post are display on the same page.
This plugin use in the all the listing page of the blog like archive, category and author.
Fully customizable to adapt to your site and theme.
Override the template loop file in your theme and you can change layout of the posts listing.
For the override create “ajax-load-more” directory under the theme folder and copy “content-loop.php” file from plugin “templates” directory and put on the “ajax-load-more” directory make required changes on loop file.
For the Infinite scrolling just install the plugin, make setting and just scroll.
You can change the loader image from the settings.
For the Infinite scrolling you can add the class names for the selector.
Also for the load more button you can change the button color and text.
Infinite Scroll setting.
Infinite Scroll screen.
Infinite Scroll show more post screen.
Ajax Load more button screen.
Ajax Load more button show more post screen.