Inline Attachments Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
A Note to all you developers: As WordPress continues to develop further, this plugin is not a big help anymore. If you have Inline Attachments already installed, I strongly advise you to migrate to another solution like Wordpress Core functionality or plugins like Advanced Custom Fields. Support for Inline Attachments will very likely be discontinued in future releases of WP.
Short Version (aka Features Overview)
- Adds the attachments screen that’s usually reached trough the thickbox popup directly to a meta box inside the post edit screen
- Provides an interface to hide unnecessary stuff on the media screen (e.g. “Insert Into Post” Button, Size, Alignment, …)
- Adds a checkbox to every attachment and a button to delete all checked Attachments at once
- Posts, Pages and Custom Post Types supported (selectable)
- AJAX-Autosaving of all changes you make to media metadata (e.g. menu order, title, description, …)
- If uploading a bulk of files, maintains the order they had when you selected them on your machine
- Button to invert the current order of media files (first becomes last, second becomes second last, …)
- Designed to seamlessly blend in with the native Wordpress admin style
Long Version
I very often use WordPress as a CMS for clients like artists or photographers, who want to present a big amount of media files on their websites. Most of the time, the media files actually are the very center of these websites.
To reflect this focus on media files in the admin area, I developed the plugin “Inline Attachments”. It adds a Meta Box to the post edit screen, that holds the media-uploads panel inside an iframe. If no Media Files are attached to a post yet, it shows the upload tab, otherwise it shows the list of attached media files.
In the plugin settings, you can select all post types, where the Inline Attachments Meta Box should be displayed, and you can specify a name for each (e.g. ”Photographs“ or ”Images“). Default is ”Media Files“.
Another thing with mainly media-driven websites is, that you normally don’t write a text post and put some images into the text flow. Because of this, you wouldn’t need the options for Image Size, Alignment, Link URL and so on in the attachment screen. With Inline Attachments, you can easily select which options should be visible to the admin for editing media files.
Tested on
- (OSX) Safari 🙂
- (OSX) Firefox 🙂
- (OSX) Chrome 🙂
- (OSX) Opera 🙂
- (WIN) Firefox 🙂
- (WIN) Chrome 🙂
- (WIN) IE 9 🙂
- (WIN) IE 8 🙂
- (WIN) IE 7 :/
Translations (included with the plugin)
- French (by Olivier)
- German (by me)
Please Note
- Due to it’s very different approach, Inline Attachments does not support the functionality of the plugin Attachments.
- I found no possible way to catch the “Insert into Post” javascript-action. But I don’t like this button, anyway, so just don’t activate it 😉
Please rate the plugin and post comments, if anything doesn’t work as expected.
If activated, Inline Attachments displays all attachments of a post inside the post edit screen
The Inline Attachments Options Screen