WooCommerce Manager – Customize And Control Cart Page, Add To Cart Button, Checkout Fields Easily Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Woo Manager enables the easiest way to manage your WooCommerce store and design it with your very own choice.
***Compatible with all Multivendor Marketplace plugins like- Dokan, WC Vendors, WC Lovers.
Using it you can control add to cart button color, text color, size on every page And add custom fields, edit registered fields and manage their position according to your choice.
To use the features, simply install this plugin and activate the ones you want directly in your dashboard. You will see a new Menu named “Woo Manager” in the dashboard.
**Customize ‘Add to cart’ Button
1) Background color
2) Text color
3) Font size
4) border-radius
5) Padding
6) Hover background color
7) Hover text Color
**Customize ‘Add to cart’ button custom LABEL and its style
1) Simple Product
2) Grouped Product
3) Variable Product
4) Booking Product button
5) Subscription button
**Manage Style on ‘Single product page’
1)Single product title
=>Text color
=>Font size
=>Text transform
=>Decoration color
=>Text Decoration
=>Letter spacing
2) Single Product short description
**Latest Features-
=> Global option
=> Ajax save button
=> Editing capability of Billing and Shipping fields
=> Easy Drag and Move to control the Position of the fields
=> Change Label, validation, Width, Placeholder of the fields
=> Hide WooCommerce Core fields
=> Increase variable product variation number
Shop page
1) Onsale badge
=>Font size
=>Text color
=>Border style
=>Border color
Single product page
2) Single Product short description
=>Text Color
=>Font size
=>Border style
=>Border color
=>Background color
=>Font family
3) Single add to cart button
=>Font Size
=>Text color
=>Background color
=>Border radius
CheckOut page
=>Add Text Before Cart
=>Add text before cart table
=>Add text before cart contents
=>Add Text cart after coupon box
=>Add Text after cart contents
=>Add text after cart totals