Slider And Carousel Plus Widget For Social Media Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
A very simple plugin to display your social media pictures in
- Grid,
- Slider and
- Widget
Important Note
Due to frequent changes in Instagram API the maintenance process will be slow. Please, accept our apologies for this issue.
Also work with Gutenberg shortcode block.
This plugin contain 2 shortcode:
1) Pictures in Slider / carousel view
2) Pictures in Grid view
Slider shortcode Parameters
- Username username=”instagram” (Instagram username of which you want to show pictures.)
- Instagram Link Text instagram_link_text=”View on Instagram” (vlaue is any string.)
- Limit limit=”20″ (number of pictures you want to show. By Default is 20.)
- Popup Gallery popup_gallery=”true” (open the instagram pictures as gallery or not. values are “true” OR “false”.By Default is true.)
- Image Caption show_caption=”true” (show the picture’s caption.values are “true” or “false”. By Default is true.)
- Popup popup=”true” (show the popup for the picture detail.values are “true” or “false”. By Default is true.)
- Likes Count show_likes_count=”true” (show the likes count of picture.values are “true” or “false”. By Default is true.)
- Comments Count show_comments_count=”true” (show the commnets count of picture.values are “true” or “false”. By Default is true.)
- Slide To Show slidestoshow=”3″ (number of slide you want to show in slider. By default is 3.)
- Slide To Scroll slidestoscroll=”1″ (number of picture you want to scroll at a time. By Default is number 1.)
- Loop loop=”true” (show continuous slider.values are “true” or “false”. By Default is true.)
- Arrows arrows=”true” (show slider arrows.values are “true” or “false”. By Default is true.)
- Dots dots=”true” (show slider dots.values are “true” or “false”. By Default is true.)
- Autoplay autoplay=”true” (Autoplay slider.values are “true” or “false”. By Default is true.)
- Autoplay Interval autoplay_interval=”3000″ (time duration to scroll slide.value is any integer number. By Default is 3000.)
- Slide Speed speed=”300″ (speed of slide when scrolling.value is any integer number. By Default is 300.)
- Image Fit image_fit=”true” (image_fit parameter is used to specify how an image should be resized to fit its container. By default value is “true”. Options are “true OR false”).
- Gallery Height gallery_height=”300″ (Control height of the image. You can enter any numeric number. You can set “auto” for auto height. Note : gallery_height parameter work better if image_fit=”true”)
- Offset offset=”5″ (This will hide first five post. E.g I have set offset 5, now when it will display post in my page first it will hide first five post then will display from post number 6. Note: This will not work with pagination and limit parameter.)
Grid shortcode Parameters
- Username username=”instagram” (Instagram username of which you want to show pictures.)
- Grid grid=”4″ (Number of columns that you wanna to show. valuie is any numeric value between 1 to 12. By Default value is 2.)
- Instagram Link Text instagram_link_text=”View on Instagram” (vlaue is any string.)
- Limit limit=”20″ (number of pictures you want to show. By Default is 20.)
- Popup Gallery popup_gallery=”true” (open the instagram pictures as gallery or not. values are “true” OR “false”.By Default is true.)
- Image Caption show_caption=”true” (show the picture’s caption.values are “true” or “false”. By Default is true.)
- Popup popup=”true” (show the popup for the picture detail.values are “true” or “false”. By Default is true.)
- Likes Count show_likes_count=”true” (show the likes count of picture.values are “true” or “false”. By Default is true.)
- Comments Count show_comments_count=”true” (show the commnets count of picture.values are “true” or “false”. By Default is true.)
- Image Fit image_fit=”true” (image_fit parameter is used to specify how an image should be resized to fit its container. By default value is “true”. Options are “true OR false”).
- Gallery Height gallery_height=”300″ (Control height of the image. You can enter any numeric number. You can set “auto” for auto height. Note : gallery_height parameter work better if image_fit=”true”)
- Offset offset=”5″ (This will hide first five post. E.g I have set offset 5, now when it will display post in my page first it will hide first five post then will display from post number 6. Note: This will not work with pagination and limit parameter.)
Features include:
- Grid view
- Slider view
- Widget ready
- touch enable
- Arrow key control for slider
- Likes Count
- Comment count
- Fully responsive
Privacy & Policy
- We have also opt-in e-mail selection , once you download the plugin , so that we can inform you and nurture you about products and its features.