JigoShop Amazon Affiliates – Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
One time setup in just couple of minutes using wordpress platform and import products directly from amazon in just a flash! How would you like to import thousands of products from amazon in your JigoShop store in just minutes?
With our JigoShop Amazon Affiliates – Wordpress Plugin you can bulk import hundred of products from Amazon store in just a flash.
Also you can import products into a certain category! With this feature you can import multiple products at once on your JigoShop Store in just minutes! Search by keywords, select the products that you want, and click import! It doesn’t get any easier!
We’ve developed a new module called Advanced search and Bulk Import.
JigoShop Amazon Affiliates - Wordpress Plugin is a product that allows you to import Amazon products in your JigoShop store in no time!
What’s so special about this module? Well you can browse trough All Amazon’s product categories , subcategories and so on.
Also depending on category, you can search products by Brand, Condition, Manufacturer, Maximum Minimum price, Merchant Id , Product minimum percentage off and of course by Bestsellers, Rank, Sales flag, and so on.
After that you can bulk import 10 products at a time, with a limit of 10 pages per category.
Here are the main features of our latest plugin:
- Import Amazon products from any Amazon location ( Available countries: United States, United Kingdom, Deutschland, France, Japan, Canada, China, Italia, Espana, India)
- Add multiple affiliate ID’s (International Amazon Associates / Globalisation)
What this means exactly? For example : If your visitor is coming from the UK they’ll get the product link to Amazon.co.uk, if they’re visiting from the FR they’ll get a link to the same product on Amazon.fr and so on
- 90 Days Cookie
With this feature, when a user is redirected to amazon, the product is automatically added to cart and kept there for 90 days
- Add your affiliate custom settings (affiliate ID and Access/Secret Keys)
- Bulk import hundred of products into your website in just a flash! You can import products with Amazon category or import in custom category.
- Select how many images to import for each product
- External checkout using Amazon cart system
- Products synchronisation module – keep your Amazon products up to date! & Synchronisation Log also
- Framework based on modules manager (you must activate the modules in order to show up/ work)
- SEO for images names – Get Product Title or Random number
- In Config Module you can setup if you want to import prices only from Amazon or other sellers as well
- Default publishing mode for products – Set as published or draft
- You can now add hundred of products at once into your store by ASIN codes!
- Also, you can backup your current amazon store products by ASIN as well!
- Amazon Customer Reviews Tab
- Frequently Bought Together Products
What you will need in order to use the JigoShop Amazon Affiliates – Wordpress Plugin :
- Wordpress 3.6 +
- JigoShop Wordpress Plugin -Version 1.7.3
- Amazon account (https://aws.amazon.com/) in order to get Secret/Access Keys
- Amazon affiliate account (https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/) in order to get the money!
Server requirements :
- SOAP class OR XML via HTTP Request
- PHP version : 5 +
What containts the package that you downloaded :
First of all please, using WinRar unzip the package that you downloaded, don’t try to install the whole archive as plugin on wordpress because it won’t work.
- A folder called Plugin that contains a zip archive that you must install as plugin on Wordpress
- User manual
Do you have a blog, facebook account, you like to tweet, dribble, share on pinterest or any hobbies of this kind?
What if I told you you can earn money by just sharing a link ?
All you have to do is to create an Envato account, if you don’t have one, then send traffic to any of our products while adding your account username to the end of the URL.
When a new user clicks your referral link, purchases the item (or deposits money) you will receive 30% of that person’s first cash deposit or purchase price. If they deposit $20 into their account, you get $6.
If they buy a $200 item, you get $60.
We’ve made a list with customized banners & links that you can easily add to your blog or share on facebook, twitter, pinterest and so on.
Amazon eStore Affiliates (simply copy the code and replace “yourusername” with your own)
<a href="http://codecanyon.net/item/amazon-estore-affiliates-plugin/2388006?ref=yourusername"><img src="http://aa-team.com/public/livedemo/workwithus/728x90-amazon-eStore.jpg" /></a>
<a href="http://codecanyon.net/item/amazon-estore-affiliates-plugin/2388006?ref=yourusername"><img src="http://aa-team.com/public/livedemo/workwithus/300x250-amazon-eStore.jpg" /></a>
<a href="http://codecanyon.net/item/amazon-estore-affiliates-plugin/2388006?ref=yourusername"><img src="http://aa-team.com/public/livedemo/workwithus/125x125-amazon-eStore.jpg" /></a>
Woocommerce Amazon Affiliates (simply copy the code and replace “yourusername” with your own)
<a href="http://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-amazon-affiliates-wordpress-plugin/3057503?ref=yourusername"><img src="http://aa-team.com/public/livedemo/workwithus/728x90-woocommerce.jpg" /></a>
<a href="http://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-amazon-affiliates-wordpress-plugin/3057503?ref=yourusername"><img src="http://aa-team.com/public/livedemo/workwithus/300x250-woocommerce.jpg" /></a>
<a href="http://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-amazon-affiliates-wordpress-plugin/3057503?ref=yourusername"><img src="http://aa-team.com/public/livedemo/workwithus/125x125-woocommerce.jpg" /></a>
If you have any requests on banner sizes, please send us an email at aa.teamdeveloper@gmail.com .
You can read more here
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