Jinx-Block-Renderer Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Jinx-Block-Renderer Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

The plugin allows you to parse all kinds gutenberg blocks and render them in your own template.


Use the filter ‘jinx_block_renderers’ in your theme to render gutenberg blocks.


  function my_render_function(array $fields)
    echo $fields['url'];

  add_filter('jinx_block_renderers', function($renderers) {

    $renderers[] = [
      'block' => 'core-embed/youtube', // name of the block
      'conditions' => [], // default - accepts an array of key value pairs
      // 'conditions' => [
      //   'className' => 'is-style-custom', // strings are used inside a regular expression
      //   'field' => function($value) { // callbacks will receive the fields value and must return true or false
      //     return $value === 'some value';
      //   }
      // ],
      'fields' => [
        'url' => [ // name of your parameter
          'path' => '//iframe[@src]',
          'item' => 0,
          // 'item' => 9, // if not exists, will return null
          // 'item': 'first', // constant JinxBlockRendererField::ITEM_FIRST
          // 'item': 'last', // constant JinxBlockRendererField::ITEM_LAST
          // 'item': null // default - returns all results as an array
          'attr' => 'src',
          //'attr' => null // default - returns the results value
          //'filter' => 'my_filter_function' // filters each matched field
      // 'insert' => '//*[contains(@class,"wp-block-")]' // default - inserts rendered block back into the block-wrapper
      'template' => __DIR__.'/youtube-video.php', // relative path, templates will handle each field as a variable
      // 'callback' => 'my_render_function'

    return $renderers;




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