Job Offers – Show Jobs Easily From ANY Of 79 Available Countries Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Very light weight, very easy to use plugin which will add job listings to your website in 79 different countries. Clean interface, job role and town selection.
The plugin adds embedded block which will take suitable space fitted in your WordPress theme to list upto 15 jobs listings on the page.
You can really select how much jobs do you want to list on some page, all else job we have will be splitted to other pages to fit all inventory 😉
You can see that all on screens 5 and 6.
You can see on screen 2 for example that you can select default starting jobe role to start search with.
Also you can obviously select town (not the country YET) right in the page and do new search by clicking “Find Jobs”
Multilingual – multicountry
See screenshots 7 and 8, on 7 you even have preview option for all that thing, also you shouldn’t make mistake and enter country name, but country code like DE here.
It may varies, country and languagem, check our site for more details. For supported countries also visit site or simply checkout screen 8.
As you may notice you may also preview whole shortcode before placing it on the page to see if you set correctly every meaning of whole block [jobs]
Initial Setup
Of course there is install section below, but all you need to start is to fill your name, e-mail (any of yours), domain of current website, password and confirmation, all like on screen 1 and 4.
You will then see success and logined window like on screen 2 from which you could do further setup. As you can see with current version all is very simple anyway.
Documentation & Support
Got a problem or need help with JobSearchine? Head over to our [documentation] ( and perform a search. If you can’t find a solution to your issue then you can create a topic on the [support forum] (
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4
Screenshot 5
Screenshot 6
Screenshot 7
Screenshot 8