JS Archive List Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin provides a widget and a filter to display a collapsible archive list in your sidebar or posts using the JS JS library.
- Support for Gutenberg blocks. Add it to any FSE theme or Gutenberg compatible theme.
- Display a collapsed list of your archives to reduce space.
- Uses vanilla JS to add effects and to be compatible with all browsers.
- Select your expand/collapse symbol and date format.
- Support for archive filters.
- Auto expands current/select year from posts.
- Select the categories to exclude
- Multiple instances support.
- Shortcode support [JsArchiveList]
- Generates valid HTML code.
- Supports multiple languages.
- Compatible with most JS cache and minify plugins.
- And more to come…
- Title: title of the widget.
- Trigger Symbol: characters to be displayed as bullet.
- Effect: Effect to use.
- Month Format: month’s display format of the month.
- Expand: when to expand the content of the list.
- Hide years from before: older years will be hidden under a link. To save space in the page on old sites.
- Show days inside month list: group posts by day.
- Show number of posts: display how many post are published in the year or in the month.
- Show only posts from selected category: show only posts from the selected category when visiting a category page.
- Only expand/reduce by clicking the symbol: select if animations start when click the link or just the bullet.
- Only expand one at the same time: select if you want to have only one expanded at the same time.
- Show posts under months: show post’s title under months.
- Show post date next to post title: show post’s date next to post title.
- Sort posts by: select how to sort the posts under months.
- Include or Exclude categories: Select the categories to include or exclude.
A list of the archives, archives for each month are hidden under years.
A list of archives and its month archives expanded.
Block options to configure the list.