JQuery Vertical Scroller Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
jQuery Vertical Scroller plugin is our attempt to create a easy to use widget for adding vertical scrolling to your wordpress site. jQuery vertical Scroller is a versatile vertical scroller that allows you to scroll any post type or page.
You can scroll anything from your recent posts to custom posts you might have created for other plugins. The scroll is flexible to allow you to scroll in 2 vertical directions. Top-to-Bottom or Bottom-to-Top.
Do you need more than one scroller?
No problem with this plug-in. All you need to do is drag-&-drop another copy of the scroller into your widget area and set it up. No need to leave the widgets screen.
Want to see a working copy before deciding?
Just scroll on over to our website to see this plugin at work: http://sirisgraphics.com
Looking for Gapless Scroller
We now have a premium scroller that allows you to scroll data on your site. Please visit out website to download Siris Scroller, our new gapless scroller and more…
Widget Features
- Easy to install and configure.
- It scrolls vertically so you can display more posts.
- You can scroll top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top.
- You can hide the title of posts and pages being scrolled.
- You can customize the height and width of the widget.
- You can customize the type of recent posts to display.
- You can customize the category of posts to display.
- You can customize the number of recent posts to display.
- You can customize to display either the content, excerpt or just the heading.
- You can customize to display the post date in various date formats.
- Supports custom ‘read more…’ text so you can add your own custom text
jQuery Vertical Slider supports full localization. Just place your .mo files in the languages folder and set your language code in the wp-config.php file.
Translation Files included:
Italian by Vamsi Pulavarthi (Google Translate)
Serbo-Croatian by Borisa Djuraskovic
Usage: [sgvscroller postcount=”5″ sortby=”post_date” sortorder=”DESC” category=”1″ posttype=”post” width=”250px” height=”200px” startfrom=”bottom” includecontent=”excerpt” showdate=”true” showdateformat=”F, Y”]
postcount (optional, default value = 5): Sets the number of posts displayed by the scroller. Usage: postcount=”5″.
sortby (optional, default value = post_date): Set the Order By option for getting posts.
Valid Values: ‘none’ – No order (available with Version 2.8).
‘ID’ – Order by post id. Note the capitalization.
‘author’ – Order by author.
‘title’ – Order by title.
‘date’ – Order by date.
‘modified’ – Order by last modified date.
‘parent’ – Order by post/page parent id.
‘rand’ – Random order.
‘comment_count’ – Order by number of comments (available with Version 2.9).
Usage: sortby=”post_date”
sortorder (optional, default value = DESC): Sorts the posts in ascending or descending order of post date. Usage: sortorder=”ASC” or “DESC”
category (optional, default value = 1): Sets the category to be displayed by the scroller. Usage: category=”1″.
posttype (optional, default value = post): Sets the category to be displayed by the scroller. You can either use ‘post’, for normal posts. For scrolling custom post types, replace it with the custom post type Usage: posttype=”post”.
width(optional, default value = 1): Sets the width of the scroller. Usage: width=”250px”.
height (optional, default value = 200px): Sets the height of the scroller. Usage: height=”200px”.
startfrom (optional, default value = bottom): Sets the direction of scroll for the scroller. Usage: startfrom=”bottom”. Options: ‘bottom’ or ‘top’.
includecontent (optional, default value = none): Allows you to display excerpt, if desired. Usage: includecontent=”excerpt”. Optons: ‘content’, ‘excerpt’ or ‘none’
showdate (optional, default value = false): Allows you to display the post date for each post displayed in the scroller. Usage: showdate=”true”. Options: ‘true’ or ‘false’
showdateformat (optional, default value = ‘F, Y’): Allows you to configure format in which the post date for each post is displayed in the scroller. Usage: showdateformat=”F, Y”. You can use any valid format described in the Date Formats page
Shortcode Features
- Easy to install and configure.
- It scrolls vertically so you can display more posts.
- You can scroll top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top.
- You can hide the title of posts and pages being scrolled.
- You can customize the height and width of the widget.
- You can customize the type of recent posts to display.
- You can customize the category of posts to display.
- You can customize the number of recent posts to display.
- You can customize to display either the excerpt or just the heading.
- You can customize to display the post date in various [date formats](https://codex.wordpress.org/Formatting_Date_and_Time).
- Displays ‘read more…’ text at bottom of scroller
Contact us at our website for any kind of support. We promise to get back to you as soon as possible.
Like our plugin? Please rate us and send us a comment so we can make the plugin better for you.
Scroller in a post
Widget Admin screen in Widget Widget Section
Multiple widget instances simultaneusly
Multiple instances working seamlessly on the site