Kendo Score Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
Plugin Description
Kendo is a Japanese martial art. The scores in Kendo is shown with a circle around the character that shows the score. For example, when a “Kote(wrist)” is scored, a “K” with a circle around it will be used to show the score.
This plugin includes a TrueType font that shows scores used in Kendo competitions. For example, the score “Men” can be used by the following markdown.
[kendoscore score=”M”]
Arbitrary section
The KendoScore TrueType fonts bundled in this plugin, are a font family based on the IPA Mincho fonts. The IPA Font Licence Agreement v1.0 requires derived program to be licenced under the same agreement. Thus, KendoScore Font is also licensed under the same agreement.
A brief Markdown Example
[kendoscore score=”K”]
The following can be used as score value.
*score value / Matters
*1 or 1 Ippon-gachi
*C or C Victory by Chusen
*D or D Do
*E or E Encho
*H or H 2nd Hansoku
*K or K Kote
*M or M Men
*T or T Tsuki
*h or h Victory by Hantei
*× Hikiwake
*▲ Hansoku
*○ Fusen-gachi, Kiken or Shiai-funo
*コ Kote (In Japanese)
*ツ Tsuki (In Japanese)
*ド Do (In Japanese)
*メ Men (In Japanese)
*判 Victory by Hantei (In Japanese)
*反 2nd Hansoku (In Japanese)
*抽 Victory by Chusen (In Japanese)