Kid Info Widget Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Customizable widget with information about your child. Show baby’s age, date of birth, weight, length etc. Supports multiple instances. The age is shown in weeks and in number of years, months and days.
The options in the widget are:
Name is the widget’s title.
Content is a free form field where you can add HTML code to display some extra information about your child. For instance what his or her latest achievement is.
Photo_url is an url (including http://) pointing to the location of a (thumbnail) image to be used to show in the widget.
Photo_width indicates the width to be used for the thumbnail image. Default this is 75 pixels. Depending on the width of your sidebar you can increase that size to your wishes.
Date_of_Birth specifies the date we should count distance from. Since this plugin simply takes the difference between ‘now’ and the specified date, it can
be used for counting down (for dates in the future), or counting up (for dates in the past). It’s all up to you. -
Birth_weight is a field to store the weight of the child in grams at birth.
Birth_length is a field to store the length in centimeters of the child at birth.
Current_weight is a field to store the weight of the child at this moment.
Current_length is a field to store the length in centimeters of the child currently.
Customstyle is a field to indicate a customstyle class as an addition to the default kidinfo class. This can be used to distinguish the styles of two or more widgets on the same page (for instance use blue colors for a boy widget and pink colors for a girls widget.
You can have multiple instances of this widget. There are several optional fields that can be enabled or disabled, these are: showing the age in weeks, birth length and weight and current length and weight.
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