Kocuj Sitemap Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Kocuj Sitemap plugin adds shortcode [KocujSitemap]
that puts the sitemap in the place where it is located. This allows you to display links to all of your posts, pages and menu items anywhere on your website – even within the article. There is also a PHP function that allows you to place the sitemap anywhere on the website.
This plugin supports multilingual websites. If you have installed the plugin compatible with Kocuj Sitemap plugin (currently it is qTranslate), the plugin will generate a sitemap on your website in accordance with the currently selected language. If you do not have the plugin that supports multilingualism, Kocuj Sitemap plugin will display a sitemap for the default language defined for your WordPress installation.
The sitemap is automatically generated and stored in the cache after each change of any element in the administration panel, which is used in it (for example, when you change a post) to avoid using the database when loading a web page. This process speeds up the loading of sitemap on your website.
This plugin requires PHP 5 (up to PHP 5.4.x version) and WordPress 2.8 or greater. It is recommended to use WordPress in, at least, 3.5 version.
How to use
The shortcode [KocujSitemap]
has optional parameters:
– text that will be used as the title of the link to the main page,class
– name of the style sheet class that will be added to the block element (div
) containing the entire sitemap.
For example, if you add:
[KocujSitemap title="NEW TITLE" class="new_class"]
the sitemap will be displayed in the block element (div
or nav
) with the CSS class new_class
and link to the home page with title NEW TITLE
If you do not want to put the sitemap in the article, you can edit the PHP file responsible for the theme. Kocuj Sitemap plugin defines global PHP function which declaration is as follows:
<?php function kocujsitemap_show_sitemap($title = '', $class = '') ?>
The parameters $title
and $class
perform the same function as the corresponding parameters in the shortcode [KocujSitemap]
. For example, if you add:
<?php kocujsitemap_show_sitemap('NEW TITLE', 'new_class'); ?>
the sitemap will be displayed in the block element (div
or nav
) with the CSS class new_class
and link to the home page with title NEW TITLE
There is option Sitemap in the administration panel, which is used to configure the behavior of the Kocuj Sitemap plugin. If you select Settings from the plugin menu, you will find yourself in a place where you can set options for the plugin.
The settings are divided into tabs. There can be active only one tab at once. Tab is selected by clicking on its name.
Each tab contains a set of options. Each option has a description that is displayed when you set mouse cursor over it.
Changes in the configuration can be saved by clicking on the Save settings button. Clicking on the Restore default settings button restore the settings that were set after installing a plugin.
There are available the following languages for Kocuj Sitemap plugin:
- English (default),
- French (file languages/kocuj-sitemap-fr_FR.mo; translated by: Richard Macareno (“mister klucha”) ),
- Polish (file languages/kocuj-sitemap-pl_PL.mo).
Plugin Kocuj Sitemap gives you the ability to translate your texts into other languages. To do this, you should prepare 3 PO files created from the following templates:
- languages/kocuj-sitemap.pot,
- languages/kocuj-sitemap-meta.pot,
- languages/kocuj-admin-3/kocuj-admin-3.pot.
More information about translating are available in WordPress Codex.
If you translate this plugin, please send it to author at dominik@kocuj.pl to add your contribution to project.
The Kocuj Sitemap plugin contains a set of filters that allow you to change some behavior of the plugin. This allows you to adapt the plugin to the requirements of the developer of another plugin or theme without making changes to the code in Kocuj Sitemap plugin.
If you think that Kocuj Sitemap plugin should add another filter, please inform the author at dominik@kocuj.pl .
Kocuj Sitemap plugin contains the following filters:
- array – a list of other PHP classes that support multi-language plugins and they are not built-in into the Kocuj Sitemap plugin
Returned value:
- array – a list of PHP classes that support multi-language plugins and they are not built-in into the Kocuj Sitemap plugin
This filter adds a PHP class for supporting multi-language websites. To add a new PHP class, you need to add a new element to array which contains the following fields:
– full path to the file with a new PHP class,class
– PHP class name.
More information about this functionality can be found by looking into file classes/multilang/qtranslate.class.php which can be a good example for developer of another PHP class.
This filter is available from version 1.2.0 of the Kocuj Sitemap plugin.
- string – text with all default CSS classes for a sitemap container (block element
Returned value:
- string – text with all default CSS classes for a sitemap container (block element
This filter sets the default CSS class that is used in the block element of the sitemap. It is used if there is not specified class
parameter in the [KocujSitemap]
shortcode, or if there is not specified $class
parameter in the kocujsitemap_show_sitemap
PHP function.
- array – a list of menus ID
Returned value:
- array – a list of menus ID
This filter sets the default list of menus that appear in the sitemap if the list in the “menus list” in administration panel is empty. This filter exists only in WordPress version 3.0 and newer.
- string – text with default title for link to the main page
- string – current locale (this parameter is available from version 1.2.0 of the Kocuj Sitemap plugin)
Returned value:
- string – text with default title for link to the main page
This filter sets the default title that is used in the link to the main page in the sitemap. It is used if there is not specified title
parameter in the [KocujSitemap]
shortcode, or if there is not specified $title
parameter in the kocujsitemap_show_sitemap
PHP function.
- string – text with CSS class for first element in the sitemap
Returned value:
- string – text with CSS class for first element in the sitemap
This filter sets the CSS class that is used in the first element of the sitemap.
- string – text with link title
- int – object ID or 0 for link to the main page (this parameter is available from version 1.2.0 of the Kocuj Sitemap plugin)
- string – object type; available values: “post” for post, “page” for page, “menu” for menu item (only in WordPress version 3.0 and newer), “category” for category and “home” for link to the main page (this parameter is available from version 1.2.0 of the Kocuj Sitemap plugin)
- string – current locale (this parameter is available from version 1.2.0 of the Kocuj Sitemap plugin)
Returned value:
- string – text with link title
This filter sets the link title.
- string – menu option with all HTML tags and attributes
- int – object ID for menu item
- string – current locale (this parameter is available from version 1.2.0 of the Kocuj Sitemap plugin)
Returned value:
- string – menu option with all HTML tags and attributes
This filter sets a menu option – with all HTML tags and attributes. This filter exists only in WordPress version 3.0 and newer.
Planned features
- Support for more multilingual plugins,
- Widget with sitemap,
- More parameters for shortcode and PHP function,
- Easy control of shortcode parameters in HTML and visual editor,
- Generating XML sitemap for search engines,
- More filters for changing behavior of the plugin.
You can also suggest a feature by sending a message to dominik@kocuj.pl .
If you have any suggestion, feel free to email me at dominik@kocuj.pl .
If you want to have a regular information about this plugin, please become a fan of plugin on Facebook:
See also official plugin site:
An example of the sitemap.
This plugin has options to choose what should be displayed in the sitemap.
User can easily select menus which should be displayed in the sitemap.
This plugin is compatible with qTranslate plugin.
There are some additional options to choose.