Latest Custom Post Type Updates Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Simplicity at its finest!
This simple plugin adds a widget that allows for the display of recent posts in any custom post type. It functions almost identically to the built-in WordPress “Recent Posts” widget with the added option of letting you choose which post type it pulls from. Just add the “Latest Custom Post Type” widget to a widget area, give it a title, how many posts to show and what post type you want it to pull from. It’s that easy!
Advanced Options
While this plugin allows for quick and easy use, there are also LOADS of advanced features that site owners, designers, and developers will all enjoy.
- Change how the posts are pulled (e.g. Publish date, modified date, meta keys)
- Change how they are displayed (e.g. Pull by modified date, but show in alphabetical order)
- Define custom text for when there are no posts to show (defaults to showing nothing)
- Define custom CSS classes
- Show post thumbnails with the option of a default thumbnail image and custom size
- Show the post date/time or post modified date/time and specify the format
- Show post excerpts, specifying the length and read more link text
- Restrict posts by taxonomy and taxonomy terms
A word on support and additional features
If you find any bugs, please let me know! In an effort to help others looking for similar answers and to help build the community I ask that all bug reports, requests for support and feature requests be made through the forums.
The widget configuration options
The widget displaying the latest posts in a custom post type
Advanced configuration options