Lava Bp Post Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Lava Bp Post is for buddypress. It provides a frontend form in buddypress user (profile) nav tab. It’s also possible to add on pages by a form shortcode.
This plugin enables you to use the power and flexibility of BuddyPress in WordPress to generate blog posts in user (profile) nav tab and a frontend form in a page.
- BuddyPress nav tab supported.
- Approval option for new posts
- Features images supported.
- Detail images supported.
- List of posts in BuddyPress nav tab (User Profile) supported.
- Edit, Delete options supported for users ( Front-end )
- Submit form shortcode supported.
- Without Login, it’s possible to submit posts.
- Without Login, automatically register new members supported.
- Buddypress 2.9 compatible
- Responsive design
- Etc
- English (default)
We are happy to have volunteer to assist to translate in your own languages.
Please email us at , if you are interested. We will add it on next update.
Intro page :
Documentation :
Demo site :
It is currently (v0.1) available only English version. we are happy to have volunteer to assist to translate in your own languages.
Please email us at , if you are interested.
Thank you in advance.
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