Linkylinkerton Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Linkylinkerton Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Linkylinkerton adds a column to the table view of all post types that displays slug links that will work for this specific post including ID link and any old slugs.
Why? I ran into situations where I posted stuff and submitted it to facebook and during submission found an error. Once the error was corrected on FB I found they had cached the URL so I needed to provide a new one to update.
You can probably think of better ways to use this though.


  1. Here's a Screenshot of how LinkyLinkerton adds a new column to your posts view.  If you create multiple titles you will have multiple links listed.

    Here’s a Screenshot of how LinkyLinkerton adds a new column to your posts view. If you create multiple titles you will have multiple links listed.

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