Live Search And Custom Fields – WordPress Filter, Search & WooCommerce Product Filter - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Advanced WordPress Filter Plugin – Live Search and Custom Fields (LSCF)
Verison 2.7.2 / Updated on June 25th, 2021
If you need a WordPress Filter Plugin, then Live Search and Custom Fields is a perfect choice that provides powerful live search and WooCommerce Product Filter functionality. It allows your users to filter and search the posts or your shop products according to their needs. Built with modern technologies(AngularJS), you will find it highly customizable with many modern features. It was designed in a way to provide you the best performance on query filtering.
WordPress Filter Plugin Features
- Ajax Search – extend the search using LSCF custom fields. Ajax search now can perform a search in any LSCF custom field. It can perform a search in multiple LSCF custom fields as well.
- LSCF custom fields now can be displayed via Shortcodes in any page, posts and even LSCF filter templates. Find out more on our documentation
- LSCF 2.0 brings now a new WooCommerce filter template, check it out.
Functionality Features
- Works with: posts, any custom post type, WooCommerce Products, post tags, product taxonomies, post taxonomies, post categories, WooCommerce product attributes, WooCommerce product categories, WooCommerce product prices
- Filter posts and custom posts type, filter WooCommerce products.
- Live and instant search – a real time search by post title, WooCommerce product name, post content, WooCommerce product detail and WooCommerce product SKU.
- Filter by tags, categories, taxonomies, WooCommerce product attributes, WooCommerce product categories, WooCommerce product tags.
- Filter by WooCommerce product prices
- Filter posts and WooCommerce products by taxonomies
- Filter by WooCommerce product stock status( in stock / out of stock).
- Filter by WooCommerce product stock quantity.
- Filter by any LSCF custom fields
- Ajax Search – search in any LSCF custom fields. Search into multiple LSCF custom fields.
- Alternative filtering – disable empty categories, terms or custom fields when filtering.
- Taxonomies hierarchical filtering – displays the filters in a hierarchy order. Each subcategory item is displayed only when parent item is selected.
- Unlimited levels of deep for hierarchical filtering
- Range filters for WooCommerce product price, WooCommerce product stock quantity, any LSCF custom field type
- URL history option: push all filters into URL when filtering.
- Independent search/filters: display LSCF filters only, redirects to search/filter page when “search” button is clicked
- Customizable display mode of all the filter fields: as dropdowns, as checkbox, as radio button, as icon, as icon with text.
- Date interval filters for LSCF date custom field type.
- Option to populate the items from specified category/categories.
- Build custom posts type.
- Build LSCF custom fields:
text field
date field
dropdown field
radio button field
checkbox field
checkbox with icon field
- Sort by: title, date, post ID, menu order, WooCommerce price, any LSCF custom field.
- Default order by: title, date, post ID, menu order, any LSCF custom field.
- Writing customization – change all the filter writing data from the plugin backend settings tab.
- Load more pagination type
- Reset filter button
- Easy export/import – LSCF custom posts, LSCF custom fields, and LSCF filters
Theme style and layout
- Modern and advanced live Frontend Editor – a real-time/live filter customizer.
- Multiple modern templates available
- Template switcher
- Drag&Drop filters ordering
- Horizontal and vertical view
- WooCommerce grid theme
- WooCommerce advanced grid theme
- Modern view-changer theme
- Accordion theme
- Flipper portrait theme
- Masonry grid theme
- Basic grid theme
- Filter sidebar position:left, horizontal, right
- Custom templates supported – you can create your own custom filter template from scratch using a child theme. Only HTML&CSS skills are required.
- The layout columns number control.
- Sidebar widgets – you can include additional widgets to your filter’s sidebar.
- Responsive layout & design
- Mobile ready
- It runs only one database query to display all custom fields (it doesn’t matter how many do you have). This improvement helps to avoid the database server workload on high-traffic websites.
- All filter queries are periodically cached – gives a very high performance to live search and posts filter.
- Browser Rendering is optimized.
- Programming skills are not required.
- Compatible with any custom post type from any theme.
- Custom Fields management – choose between custom fields that would show up only into filter page or only into post view page.
Version 2.7.2 (June 25, 2021):
- fix: pagination not working properly
- feature: option to set max-height for filter fields in the sidebar
- feature: auto update
Version 2.7.1 (January 15, 2021):
- fix: do not scroll to top on reset button press
- feature: date custom fields - changed date format to match WordPress settings format
Version 2.7.0 (Oct 02, 2020):
- feature: option to choose search logic for keywords: OR | AND
- feature: changed date format to match WordPress settings
- fixed rest api route warning (since 5.5)
Version 2.6.9 (July 22, 2020):
- feature: Polylang compatibility which allow custom strings from settings to be translatable
- feature: enabled revision for custom post types created with LSCF
- fixed the "Show From" functionality
Version 2.6.8 (20 May 2020):
- range decimal points fix
- range field fix: do not allow overlapping
- label for range field: allow using space
- fixed custom select box issues
- typo fix in edit shortcode link
Version 2.6.7 (27 April 2020):
- feature: set a custom background color
- fix - display taxonomies on edit post page when Gutenberg editor is enabled
- minor improvements
Version 2.6.6 (24 April 2020):
- fix: “Show From“ and “Push Filters into URL” issue on page load
- wpml taxonomies compatibility fix
Version 2.6.5 (20 April 2020):
- feature: added option to load custom templates from uploads dir
- UI/UX improvements
Version 2.6.4 (17 April 2020):
- UI/UX improvements
Version 2.6.3 (14 April 2020):
- fix: hierarchical filter
Version 2.6.2 (11 April 2020):
- fix: avoid posts loading twice on location changes
- feature: functionality to duplicate shortcode
- improvement: display a confirmation message before deleting shortcode or custom post type
- wpml fix
Version 2.6.1 (17 March 2020):
- hotfix: custom fields search and filter issue related to special chars
Version 2.6 (17 February 2020):
- fix: loads posts on back button
- fix: unicode issue
- fix: fixed double slash issue in url
- fix: range field issue that caused label to disappear on filter reset
- feature: display new editor for custom posts
- feature: added page to list of available post types
2.5 ( 11 March 19 )
- issue fix - Multiple filters on same page: dropdown issue fix
- issue fix - Filter by date fix
- issue fix - LSCF date custom field shortcode: change date format according to WordPress date settings
2.4.9 ( 16 February 19 )
- update - Float values as 2 decimals on range fitler
- update - Custom Action Hook to create LSCF Custom Template Tag
- issue fix - default template styles fixes
- issue fix - checkboxes clickable label
2.4.7 ( 11 December 18 )
- update - Gutenberg Optimization
- update - Post Tags now supported by LSCF custom template
2.4.5 ( 27 November 18 )
- udate - Dynamic Pagination
- issue fix - WPML - filtering bu
2.4.4 ( 2 November 18 )
- update - RANDOM default ordering
- update - Range/Slider filter supports from now FLOAT numbers
- issue fix - reset filters
2.4.1 ( 3 October 18 )
- update - LSCF custom fields WPML compatible
- update - Ajax Search, search into LSCF custom fields - option to switch between 2 algorithms(for performance reason)
- update - range field - new algorithm type(fastest)
- issue fix - search by SKU & taxonomies filtering conflict fix
2.3.9 ( 23 July 18 )
- update - AngularJs framework update
- update - Search into LSCF custom fields core logic update.
- issue fix - WooCommerce variations regular price fix
2.3.8( 18 June 18 )
- update - switch price currency according to WooCommerce settings.
- issue fix - advanced searches IE 11 issue fix
- issue fix - accordion template
- issue fix - advanced WooCommerce grid template mobile layout fix.
2.3.4( 5 June 18 )
- update - LSCF custom post types supports now post excerpt
- update - LSCF range filter - option to switch the label on left or right
- issue fix - order by LSCF custom field of date type
2.3.2( 24 May 18 )
- update - WPML integration
- update - option to remove the see more button and display all checkbox options from list
- issue fix - independent search js errors fix
- issue fix - hierarchy dropdowns translate the default option
2.3 ( 3 April 18 )
- update - Ajax Search - now can search in any LSCF custom fields.
- update - WooCommerce prices autoformat
- update - WooCommerce option to display only instock products
- update - Custom Templates data tags - new data tags for displaying date in a custom format
- issue fix - Frontend Editor - keep settings when editing the shortcode
- issue fix - hierarchical fields - display all active hierarchical fields from url.
- issue fix - when reseting sort by filters, avoid duplicate posts.
- improvement - Range filters by LSCF custom fields performance improved.
2.2.2 ( 14 March 18 )
- update - independent filters: trigger search on "enter" keypress
- issue fix - when editing LSCF custom fields: utf8 characters fix
- update - option to deactive(switch to ajax search) the instant search: if there are less 300 posts
- style fix - independent filters on mobile
- update - multiple filters shortcode on same page
2.2 ( 7 February 18 )
- update - Independent search filters
- update - History Url: push filters into url
- update - Sort by WooCommerce price
- issue fix - sort by LSCF custom fields
- issue fix - range field on mobile screens
2.1 ( 10 January 18 )
- improvement - speed performance improved up to 45%
- improvement - WooCommerce price variations caching
- issue fix - bootstrap CSS styling fixes
2.0 ( 28 November 17 )
- update - LSCF custom fields can be displayed now via shortcodes
- update - new WooCommerce grid template
- update - Custom template - integrated new tags: date, author, categories, WooCommerce gallery
- update - LSCF filter templates supports now LSCF custom fields shortcodes.
- update - "Show from" - logic update. Will match the selected conditional logic from Frontend Editor
- update - Logic update for independent filters from same taxonomy
- issue fix - load CSS and JS scripts only when LSCF shortcode is used
- issue fix - hierarchical filtering.
- issue fix - Date Interval filtering fix.
- issue fix - Custom Fields filtering after reordering
1.9.5 ( 20 September 17 )
- update - Infinite Scrolling
- update - Change the conditional logic ( OR | AND ) for Checkboxes
- update - Default post ordering by: title, date and LSCF custom fields
- issue fix - css mobile fixes
1.9 ( 22 June 17 )
- update - Edit filter shortcode
- update - New custom field "Variation/Relationship" - create variation under your filter page
- issue fix - Japanese characters fix under custom fields
- issue fix - live search
- issue fix - Frontend Editor - posts per page fix
- issue fix - Frontend Editor - sidebar position fix
- issue fix - Portrait template: image link
1.8 ( 21 May 17 )
- update - New template MINIMALIST GRID
- update - New template WooCommerce Grid
- update - New template OVERLAY GRID
- issue fix - Font fixes
1.7 ( 7 May 17 )
- update - Drag&Drop filters ordering
- update - Drag&Drop filter's options ordering
- update - Edit the custom fields from backend
- update - Sort by functionality
- issue fix - utf8 characters custom fields
- issue fix - live search combined with active categories and filters
1.5 ( 23 March 17 )
- Horizontal view update
- Filter custom templates integration
- Widgets on filter sidebar
- live customizer: option to display by specified category/categories
- Adaptive filtering: disable/hide the empty filters on filtering
- Scrollbar on dropdowns
- Unicode characters issue fix
- Divi builder conflict fix
- Conflict fix WooCommerce stock status and LSCF custom fields
1.4 ( 06 March 17 )
- Live Frontend Editor
- Backend design update
- Accordion theme "see more" link update
- WooCommerce range fields query fix
- Custom fields and post meta queries conflict fix
1.3 ( 22 February 17 )
- Drag&Drop filter fields ordering
- "Add to cart" WooCommerce button integrated
- Ajax search for 2k+ posts
- WooCommerce ajax search, ajax product search by sku, ajax search by inventory for 2k+ posts
- Option to load posts by a specific category/taxonomy
- Unlimited levels of deep for the hierarchy categories filtering
- AngularJS - CDN server: cross domain directives fix
- Basic Post type included
- Plugin installation error fix for older PHP versions
- Visual Composer shortcode conflict fix
- Bootstrap theme conflict fixes
- Filter fields section: mobile responsive update.
- Angular special characters fix
- Writing settings update
- Accordion - new filter style to display posts
- Portrait - new filter style to display posts(portrait images)
- Customize singular filter
- Customize columns nummber for grid view
- WooCommerce integration
- filter by inventory (in stock/out of stock) [WooCommerce]
- instant search by Product SKU [WooCommerce]
- range field by stock quantity [WooCommerce]
- all custom fields from LS&CF are compatible now with WooCommerce
- Reset button on Filter/Search page (top/bottom position and name editable writing)
- option to manage default via on Filter/Search page
- manageable number of displayed posts per page
- option to create relationship between parent categories and child categories from the same taxonomy
- option to display different style for custom fields and taxonomy (for example, if you have a checkbox custom field in dashboard you can easily display it as Dropdown/Radio button/Checkbox on your Filter/Search page.
- checkbox with icons can be displayed in multiple ways: icon with text / icon only
- Import/Export custom fields and custom posts.
- Added demo data and functionality for import.
- Yoast conflict fixes.