Live Search Popup Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This plugin adds Spotlight ™ like live search with an ajax popup to
the default search box. See the screenshot.
It can be used as a widget or directly as a PHP call in the theme.
The Live Search Plugin is heavily based on John Nunemaker’s
Addicted To Live Search.
- 1.4.7 Fix by Tony for “With mouseover on result in IE, there is no background image or color”.
- 1.4.6 Added livesearchpopup_resultsbox(width) to put the popup below a search box of your choice, e.g. from a theme.
- 1.4.5 Do not initialize if no livesearchpopup_results is found. In contrast to the original live search this plugin does not make sense without the popup anyway. This fixes a JavaScript bug in IE7.
- 1.4.4 Use wpurl instead of siteurl to allow installations of WordPress at different addresses (thanks to Draco)
- 1.4.3 Use <?php instead of <? in live-search-popup.php
- 1.4.2 Force update script to update the plugin.
- 1.4.1 Switched to the_post instead of the deprecated wp_start().
- 1.4 Finally permalinks work together with this plugin. In addition a “Show all” links was added at the bottom for the case that there are more posts than shown in the popup (thanks to Marco Luthe).
- 1.3.4 Moved the placeholder and autocomplete attributes of the search box to JavaScript as they are not XHTML valid (thanks to Marco Luthe)
- 1.3.3 Added some print commands in front of get_bloginfos (thanks to upekshapriya who noticed that)
- 1.3.2 Force update script to update the plugin.
- 1.3.1 Relative paths in css to allow installation which are not at the domain root.
- 1.3 Fixed behaviour for change and blur events of the search box. This fixes the “click-through” bug.
- 1.2.1 Updated to reflect that it works with 2.3 as well.
- 1.2 Bugfixes
- 1.1 Bugfixes
- 1.0 First release
The Live Search Popup in action on