Local Like And Share Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Local Like And Share is a simple way to allow your readers to like and share your posts, directly on your site.
Merely confirm your settings, activate the portions of the widget to match, and monitor the results – all via the common WordPress online admin menu area (no tinkering with files required 🙂 ).
Included features:
Configurable button settings:
- Select position on post where buttons get displayed
Configurable Like settings:
- Display like button on post index pages?
- Display like button on individual post?
- Choose individual button and button hover colors
- Set “call to action” button hover message
- Set “successful like” button hover message
- Set “already liked” button hover message
Configurable Share settings:
- Display share button on post index pages?
- Display share button on individual post?
- Choose individual button and button hover colors
- Set “call to action” button hover message
- Share post default email subject and body
Configurable widget messages:
- No likes found
- No shares found
Configurable widget labels/input field placeholders:
- Show like section?
- Like title
- Show share section?
- Share title
- Time period
- Number of posts to show
- Show like/share counts?
- Adjustable numbered result margin (to account for theme indentation differences)
Admin and editor tools:
- View statistics (for both likes and shares)
Multisite capable
No file server configuration required:
- All color selection and positioning of buttons done via the plugin’s settings page
- All configuration of hover message contents done via the plugin’s settings page
For Multisite networks, once the plugin is installed in the network’s plugin directory, individual site activation and configuration of the plugin can be handled by individual site admins without any access to the file server.
Activating the plugin
Overriding the default settings with your own custom values
Adding the widget to a sidebar and overriding the defaults with your own custom values
User likes a post
User shares a post
Widget displays likes and shares
View statistics