Logo Showcase Creative Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Logo Showcase Creative is a best way to add logo in your website with grid and slider designs.
Here is the shortcode example
If you want to display Logos by category then use this short code
Complete shortcode with all parameters
[ccs-logoshowcase limit="10" category="1,5,9" design="design-1" grid="3" order="desc" orderby="post_date" link_target="self" exclude_post="4,5,6" posts="7,8,9" image_size="full" type="grid" dots="true" arrows="true" loop="true" autoplay="true" slides_column="4" slides_scroll="1"]
Use Following parameters with shortcode `[ccs-logoshowcase type=”grid”]`
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”grid” limit=”5″] ( Display 5 Logo on your website ) -
Display by category
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”grid” category=”category_ID”] ( Display Logos by their category ID ) -
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”grid” grid=”3″] (Display no of logo columns in Logos grid design ) -
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”grid” link_target=”blank”] (Open link on the same Tab OR other Tab. Values are “blank” and “self”) -
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”grid” show_title=”false”] (ie show logo title or not. By default value is “false” Values are “true” and “false”) -
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”grid” image_size=”full”] (ie set image size of logo. By default value is “full” Values are “original, large, medium, thumbnail”) -
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”grid” order=”desc”] (Designates the ascending or descending order of the ‘orderby’ parameter. Defaults to ‘DESC’. Values are “DESC” and “ASC”) -
orderby :
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”grid” orderby=”post_date”] (Sort retrieved posts by parameter. Defaults to ‘date (post_date)’. One or more options can be passed. ‘none’,ID’,’author’,’title’,’name’,rand’,date’)
Use Following parameters with shortcode `[ccs-logoshowcase type=”slider”]`
Slide columns for Logo slider:
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”slider” slides_column=”2″] (Display no of columns in Logos slider design ) -
Number of Logos slides at a time:
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”slider” slides_scroll=”2″] (Controls number of Logos slide at a time) -
Pagination and arrows:
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”slider” dots=”false” arrows=”false”] ( show slider dots and arrows. ) -
Autoplay and Autoplay Interval:
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”slider” autoplay=”true”] ( slide your logo automatically. )
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”slider” autoplay_interval=”100″] ( slide logo after a duration. ) -
Logo Showcase Slide Speed:
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”slider” speed=”3000″] ( logo sliding speed. ) -
[ccs-logoshowcase type=”slider” loop=”true”] ( Display slider in Loop OR not : You can use “true” OR “false”)
Template code is
<?php echo do_shortcode('[ccs-logoshowcase]'); ?>
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