LTI SEO Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
In an effort to remain as lightweight as possible, LTI SEO will only add metadata information to the html header of your pages (the data won’t be visible on the page), and only specialized programs such as search engine bots will be able to parse and use that information.
It turns out that this metadata is fairly easy to generate and can make a ton of difference when it comes to the visibility of your content on the web. WordPress is very good at creating search engine friendly content; we simply take it one notch further!
Available languages
- English
- Français
SEO-friendly metadata
The following information can be added, if the corresponding option is activated:
- Link rel tags:
- Canonical, helps search engine determine a single URL for specific content,
- Author, allows search engines to link the author with their contributed content,
- Publisher, helps identify the entity that’s responsible for the content.
- Keywords meta tag,
- Robots meta tag:
- Description meta tag, featured in search results
- JSON-LD tags, using namespace objects:
- Front page:
- Publisher (shown as an Organization : name, alias, logo image, website, social accounts),
- Author (shown as a Person: public e-mail, job title, work location, social accounts),
- Type of site (Blog or WebSite),
- Pages and posts:
- Type of post (Article, Blog post, News, Scholarly article, Tech article)
- Author information (same person object as a above)
- Twitter cards:
- Summary card by default
- Summary with large image,
- Gallery for gallery post types,
- Photo for attachments
- Open Graph tags:
- Type website on the frontpage
- Type article on posts, with attached or featured images, if any.
Taking advantage of the Google Search Console
LTI SEO wants to make sure WordPress users know about the Search console by facilitating the process of adding and verifying sites directly from WordPress. Without these types of tools, it would be hard to assess whether our SEO efforts are worth putting time and effort into!
You can help us by:
- Translating the plugin in your own language (get in touch with us for details),
- Submitting bugs and feature requests in the github project’s issue tracker,
- Submitting code via pull requests,
- Visiting our blog and associated resources to interact with us.
Admin options, General tab
Admin options, Front page tab
Admin options, Posts and pages tab
Admin options, Social tab
Admin options, Google tab