LuckyWP Glossary Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The “LuckyWP Glossary” plugin implements the glossary / dictionary functionality on the website: an alphabetical list of terms with definitions for these terms. The LuckyWP Glossary uses responsive web design and provides high compatibility with WordPress themes and plugins.
An unlimited number of synonyms can be added to each term. They are displayed in the list of terms equally with the main term and lead to the term page, which avoids the appearance of pages with the same content.
Alphabetical list of terms
A separate page displays a list of terms and their synonyms in alphabetical order with breakdown by letters. The list is displayed in several columns, but it uses responsive web design, which makes the page look correct on both desktops and mobile.
Highly compatible with WordPress themes
Thanks to responsive web design and correct integration with the theme, the glossary fits perfectly with most WordPress themes.
Highly compatible with WordPress plugins
When developing the plugin, the following approaches are used:
- terms are based on custom post type;
- the standard WordPress page is used as the archive page;
- to describe the term the standard WordPress editor is used.
Maximum use of the standard WordPress functionality provides high compatibility with most third-party WordPress plugins extending the editor’s capabilities, SEO plugins and etc.
User-friendly URL
For the term page an arbitrary URL structure is configured in a similar way to the configuration of the URL for posts.
Automatic placement of links to terms (premium feature)
The feature of automatic placement of links to the term page allows to improve the internal linking of the website, which will positively affect SEO.
Parameters of links placement can be changed in the plugin settings:
- choose in which types of posts to place links;
- сhoose how to place links: to all occurrences of the term or only to the first.
Customized access to the terms management (premium feature)
The plugin settings allows to specify which roles will have access to the terms management in the WordPress control panel.