Mappps Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Mappps Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Effortlessly add custom maps or store locators to your WordPress posts and pages with our intuitive plugin. Ideal for contact pages, showcasing business locations, event venues, and more!

Block Features

  • Versatile Data Sources: Choose the data source for your markers, whether from WordPress post types, taxonomies, or categories.
  • Sidebar Integration: Optionally display a sidebar with the selected posts for additional context.
  • Search Functionality: Enable a search bar to help users find specific locations quickly.
  • Advanced Filtering: Provide filters to refine search results based on different criteria.
  • Customizable Markers: Personalize marker colors to match your branding.
  • Multiple Map Tiles: Select from multiple map tile options to fit your design preferences.
  • Real-Time Preview: View your map in real time within the block editor, ensuring it meets your needs before publishing.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easily customize maps without any coding experience.
  • Optimized Performance: Lightweight construction ensures optimal performance without burdening your site.
  • No Database Overhead: Works without additional database queries or tables, maintaining site efficiency.
  • Zoom Control: Adjust the zoom level of your map to fit your display requirements.
  • Localization Support: Fully supports localization to cater to a global audience.


We leverage several high-quality libraries and third-party service providers to render maps in your preferred mapping engine. Below are the details and when they are used:

  • Leaflet: A leading open-source JavaScript library for interactive maps, renowned for its simplicity, performance, and usability.
  • Leaflet GeoSearch: An advanced geocoding control for Leaflet, enabling seamless address searches and location suggestions.
  • React Leaflet: Provides bindings for using Leaflet with React, ensuring smooth integration with React-based applications.
  • React leaflet markercluster: A powerful plugin for clustering markers on a Leaflet map when using React Leaflet, boosting map performance and enhancing user experience with clustered markers.


  1. This is a desktop view of the plugin in front-end

    This is a desktop view of the plugin in front-end

  2. This is a desktop view of the plugin in front-end, with a location searched

    This is a desktop view of the plugin in front-end, with a location searched

  3. This is a desktop view of the plugin in front-end, with the filters opened

    This is a desktop view of the plugin in front-end, with the filters opened

  4. This is a desktop view of the plugin in front-end, with a post selected

    This is a desktop view of the plugin in front-end, with a post selected

  5. This is a desktop RTL view of the plugin in front-end

    This is a desktop RTL view of the plugin in front-end

  6. This the loader of the plugin

    This the loader of the plugin

  7. This is a mobile view of the plugin in front-end

    This is a mobile view of the plugin in front-end

  8. This is a mobile view of the plugin in front-end, with the filters opened

    This is a mobile view of the plugin in front-end, with the filters opened

  9. This is a mobile view of the plugin in front-end, with the posts list opened

    This is a mobile view of the plugin in front-end, with the posts list opened

  10. This is a mobile view of the plugin in front-end, with a post selected

    This is a mobile view of the plugin in front-end, with a post selected

  11. This is a mobile view of the plugin in front-end, with the post details popup expanded

    This is a mobile view of the plugin in front-end, with the post details popup expanded

  12. This is a mobile RTL view of the plugin in front-end, with a post selected

    This is a mobile RTL view of the plugin in front-end, with a post selected

  13. This is a view of a post with the lat & lng filled in custom fields

    This is a view of a post with the lat & lng filled in custom fields

  14. This is a view of the gutenberg block's data settings

    This is a view of the gutenberg block’s data settings

  15. This is a view of the gutenberg block's render settings

    This is a view of the gutenberg block’s render settings

  16. This is a view of the gutenberg block's map settings

    This is a view of the gutenberg block’s map settings

  17. This is a view of the gutenberg block's sidebar settings

    This is a view of the gutenberg block’s sidebar settings

  18. This is a view of the gutenberg block's color settings

    This is a view of the gutenberg block’s color settings

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