Maps For WP Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
A handy plugin for inserting Yandex and Google maps using shortcode.
Adds Yandex or Google Map with one point
[MapOnePoint id=”” type=”” lon=”” lat=”” zoom=”” h=”” img=”” thover=”” tclick=””]
- “id” (required) – unique id
- “type” (not required) – map layer (roadmap, satellite, hybrid, terrain)
- “lon” (required) – longitude of the center of the map
- “lat” (required) – latitude of the center of the map
- “mstyle” (not required) – style of maps (default, blackwhite, blackout, сolorinversion)
- “h” (not required) – Map height in pixels
- “img” (not required) – URL image markers
- “thover” (not required) – Text when pointing to a point
- “tclick” (not required) – Text when clicking on a point
[MapOnePoint id="m1" type="hybrid" lon="55.75197479670444" lat="37.617726067459024" zoom="5" h="200" img="" thover="Text when pointing to a point" tclick="Text when clicking on a poin. Some text"]
Adds Yandex or Google map with many points
[MapManyPoints id=”” type=”” lat=”” lon=”” zoom=”” h=”” img=”” points=””]
- “id” (required) – unique id
- “type” (not required) – map layer (roadmap, satellite, hybrid, terrain)
- “lon” (required) – longitude of the center of the map
- “lat” (required) – latitude of the center of the map
- “mstyle” (not required) – style of maps (default, blackwhite, blackout, сolorinversion)
- “h” (not required) – Map height in pixels
- “img” (not required) – URL image markers
- “points” – [lat point 1],[lon point 1],[text on hover 1],[text on click 1];[lat point 2],[lon point 2],[text on hover 2],[text on click 2] and so on…
[[MapManyPoints id="m2" type="roadmap" lat="25" lon="30" zoom="2" h="250" points="25,-1,Text on hover this point, Text on click this point;-5,13,Text on hover this point, Text on click this point"]