MarcTV Video Embed Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

MarcTV Video Embed Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Embeds youtube and vimeo videos complete with responsive design, google analytics events and oEmbed compatibility. Loads player after user interaction with the power of jQuery.

HTML Embed

Use this in your article while the wysiwyg editor is set to HTML mode:

<a class="embedvideo" href="">My Title</a>


Activate “Auto-embeds” under settings -> media.

Use this in your article while the wysiwyg editor is set to HTML mode:

or specify a title:

What makes this plugin so special

Loads an image with play icon instead of an embed code which is only embedded after the image has been clicked. This way it saves loading time and bandwidth. And it has build in google analytic tracking events and is responsive, too!

Degrades gracefully. The biggest advantage of this plugin is that it does not alter your original markup in any way. If you (or youtube) decides that flash is not the best way to embed video you won’t be stuck with embed codes in your article. I will update this plugin to keep track with this development. And if you decide to use another plugin because this plugin does not suit your requirements then you can still switch because you did just add classes to html tags. So if everything breaks you still have working links to video ressources in your content.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Please use the wordpress forums and name a tag of your post after the plugin’s name. Thank you.


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