Marketplace Multi Merchant Badge Plugin For WooCommerce - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Marketplace Seller Badge for WooCommerce
This Item only works with Webkul’s WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace. Hence the Marketplace Plugin is Required, to make use of this Plugin.
Marketplace Seller Badge for WooCommerce allows the admin to assign badges to sellers based on their work conduct.
It is rightly said, “appreciation leads to good work”. Therefore, the admin can allot badges through Marketplace Seller Badge for WooCommerce to a seller who deserves acknowledgement for good work.
Note –
This module is now compatible with WooCommerce’s new High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.
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Dear Customers, if you have a question/query, please raise a ticket at We will do our best to answer as quick as it is possible. Don’t give us a low rate without contacting support on the issue you’ ve faced. We are always happy to help you.
Why Marketplace Seller Badge for WooCommerce?
- The admin can assign badges to the seller based on the seller’s performance.
- The admin can allocate any number of badges to any seller.
- The admin can add, edit, delete, or change the status of a badge.
and the admin can set the rank of each badge from the admin panel.
- The admin can assign or remove a seller’s badge.
- Admin can allocate any badge like Gold, Silver, etc, to a seller.
- The seller will receive the email notification whenever any badge is assigned to them The customer can see the badges allocated to a seller on the seller’s profile page
- The customer can see the badges allocated to a seller on the seller’s profile page.
Business Use
The Marketplace Seller Badge for WooCommerce allows the admin to assign the badges to the sellers.
The badges can be assigned for any manner like good sales, high shipment, fewer returns, etc.
So the seller gets the benefits of the badges and it will reflect on their profile so the user can check and make their purchase accordingly. It directly increases the sales of the store which tends to the profit and goodwill.
Success Story
"Initial release v 1.0.0", "Current release v 1.0.5"
v 1.0.5 Added: WooCommerce High Performance Order Storage - HPOS feature compatibility. Added: WooCommerce Cart and checkout block feature compatibility declaration. Fixed: Code formatting and structure according to new WordPress and WooCommerce coding standards. Updated: WP tested up to 6.5 and WC tested upto values to 8.8
v 1.0.4 Added: Compatibility with Marketplace 5.2.0 and above. Updated: WP tested up to value 6.0 Fixed: Horizontal badge on seller's profile. Fixed: Badge database table column name issue.
v 1.0.3 Added: Seller backend badges list. Fixed: Issues in adding and searching badges on the admin dashboard. Fixed: Page title on seller dashboard. Updated: Code standards according to current PHP and WordPress coding standards.
v 1.0.2 Update : Updated deprecated functions. Update: Updated pot file. Fixed: Fixed activation issue. Fixed: Fixed seller-end CSS issue.
v 1.0.1 Update: Updated hooks. Fixed: Fixed badge delete query. Added: Added language translation support.
v 1.0.0 Initial release