MassUserImport Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
You have found the ultimate admin tool (User Generator & User Import) component for WordPress. This component offers various features for administrators to generate, create and import login accounts without the need of the frontend registration process. It has multiple features:
Department style
Grant access to your employees/ students/ classes with pre-set username/ usergroup/ passwords/ contact info, uploaded from a .csv file. You have full control of all fields.
Voucher style
Generate mass users in pre-set usergroups with random email & username but static passwords. Download your login codes in a .csv after generation is finished and print them on a voucher card to deal out.
Email based import & generate
Generate unique and random user accounts in a pre-defined usergroup from a list of email addresses. The system will sent out an email with the users login details to the email addresses provided.
Download Userlist
Download existing users in a .csv file (user_id, username, name, email, usergroup ID, encrypted password, registration date)
- Mass create users with pre-set or generated username/ password combo’s
- Import new users from .csv files
- Sent out login details (email based)
- Create contacts in Joomla contact manager linked to the user account (department style)
- Ability to add prefix for username & password (voucher style + email based)
- Password length & strength options
- Set import batch in a pre-selected usergroup
- Enable/Disable user login after creation
- Export userlist(s) in .csv
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