MC Professional Authentication And User Sync Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The MC Professional Authentication and User Sync plugin allows you to offer exclusive member content on your WordPress site by restricting access to some or all areas of your site. As the administrator, you have control over permissions with the flexibility to set content access based on the member types and group affiliations that are already set up within your MC Professional system.
To log in to your restricted WordPress site, your members can utilize convenient single sign-on (SSO) with their regular MC Professional credentials and will be able to access specific content and pages based on your settings. You even can customize the WordPress site login screen. Additionally, the plugin enables you to sync user records across your MC Professional system and WordPress site to ensure you have one consistent source of truth for user authentication.
The plugin reaches out to MemberClicks Professional servers using the domain and API credentials that you enter in the plugin settings page. The plugin uses standard OAuth2 protocols to authenticate members, and data is transferred over secure connections. You can find Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and other legal documents in the Legal Center.
Settings for the MC Professional Authentication and User Sync plugin
MC Professional SSO login button
MC Professional API client settings