ACF Medium Editor Field Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
This ACF field type is compatible with:
* ACF 5
* ACF 6
This is an add on plugin for Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) 5 or 6. This plugin will not work if ACF is not installed and active. This plugin may work in a limited capacity if the repeater field is not avilable.
Ever needed to give a client a way to edit the appearence of text without wanting to give them a full blown WYSIWYG editor? Need something less than a WYSYWIG but more than a text or textarea field that you can configure the way you need it to work with the features you need it to have?
This add on for ACF5 adds MediumEditor as an ACF field.
Each field instance is configurable, and each field instance has its own settings. Many of the options
available in MediumEditor are supported, including the creation of custom buttons using MediumButton. It is also possible using either a configuration
setting or a filter to alter the MediumEditor Theme. Some of the available options are covered below.
For more information on MediumEditor and MediumButton, see the description of these libaries at the links provided.
For more information see
Other Notes and
Medium Editor needs your help!. This plugin depends Medium Editor which is the JavaScript package that powers this ACF Add On. I do not maintain this package. This pluig is simply an implementation of it for ACF. Medium Editor is looking for contributors. Without people to help maintain and improve it Medium Editor could fade away and if that happens this plugin will also no longer be possible.
Github Repository
This plugin is also on GitHub
Field Settings
The following is an explanation of the fields, not including the ones that should be self explanatory.
Buttons: These are the buttons that are included in MediumEditor.
Select the buttons you want to include in each editor instance.
Custom Buttons: This is the main reason that I created this plugin. This field supports adding
custom buttons using MediumButton.
Please note that if any of the main fields (Name, Label, HTML Tag) are empty that the entire
button will be ignored.
Name: This is then name of the button and will be used when instaniating the MediumButton Object.
The button name must be unique and cannot be one of the buttons already included in MediumEditor, a
button of the same name as one of the standard button in Medium Editor will not override that button
if it is also included. I do not know what the effects of custom characters in the name will be.
Please report any bugs and I will look into adding something to clean up characters or find some other work-around for any that cause errors.
Label: This is the label that will appear in the button bar. This field allows HTML.
Please make sure it is valid html (I do not validate the html you enter). Invalid markup will probably
break the button bar or the entire admin. MediumButton also supports using icons for buttons.
If you want to use icons in your buttons then it is your responsibility to make sure the icon font set is
available for use in the admin of your site.
HTML Tag: Enter the html tag that will be inserted by this button. Only non-empty html tags are allowed.
Most valid HTML tags are supported. If an invalid HTML tag is entered then the button will be ignored.
I’m not sure at this time what effect some of the tags will have in the editor. I haven’t tried them all
if you run into issues let me know and I’ll need to make a decision on wheter to try to fix it or remove
the tag(s) from the allowed list.
The currently supported tags are: abbr, acronym, address, article, asside, b,
bdi, bdo, blockquote, button, caption, cite, code, del, details, dfn,
div, em, footer, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header,
i, ins, main, mark, meta, p, pre, q, s, samp, section, small, span,
strong, sub, sup, summary, time, u, var, wbr
Attributes: Add attributes to the html tag. Attibute names must be valid (they must
begin with a letter and contain only letter, numbers, underscores and dashes. Attribute
values must not contain double quotes (“) any attributes that do not conform to these
rules will be ignored. Please note that beyond this, attribute names and values are not
validated. I do not know what effect invalid entries will have on your admin. Like other
values, if you find something that causes an issue, open one and I’ll see what needs to be done.
Other MediumEditor Options: This is a selection of other
Core Options available for
MediumEditor with the exception of allowBreakInSingleLineInput (see below). Please
see the MediumEditor documentation for information on each of the other options. Selecting
an option will set that option’s value to true, unselecting the value will set it to false.
allowBreakInSingleLineInput: This is an option added specifically for use with WP.
If you set disableReturn on then the medium editor acts like a single line input field. Setting
allowBreakInSingleLineInput allows editors to manually type in <br> tags into these
single line fields to create line breaks.
Medium Editor Theme
MediumEditor fields will use the WordPress theme created specifically for the this plugin unless you change it.
You can alter the theme used for all MediumEditor fields, this is not something that you can apply to only
some fields. You can change the theme on your site in one of two ways:
1) wp-config.php
Add the following code to your wp-cofig.php file
define('MEDIUM_EDITOR_THEME', 'beagle');
2) filter
Add the following code to your functions.php file or wherever you would add such a filter
add_filter('medium-editor-theme', 'my_medium_editor_theme_function');
function my_medium_editor_theme_function($theme) {
$theme = 'beagle';
return $theme;
Theme name in the above code is one of the following themes currently supported by MediumEditor:
beagle, bootstrap, default, flat, mani, roman, tim
For more information see MediumEditor and
Custom Editor Styles
The styles used in the medium editor for elementa is inherited from WP. If you want to override these styles
create a file named “medium-editor-syle.css” in your theme folder. If this file exists is will be
automatcially enqueued on all pages where ACF fields appear.
Add Custom Buttons in Code
This filter is applied to the custom buttons before they are validated as having all the correct
requirements that are given when creating a custom button in the field settings for a Medium Editor Field.
- acf/medium-editor-field/custom-buttons – filter for every field
- acf/medium-editor-field/custom-buttons/name={$field_name} – filter for specific field based on it’s name
- acf/medium-editor-field/custom-buttons/key={$field_key} – filter for specific field based on it’s key
- $buttons – an array of button options
$field – an array containing all the fields settings for the field being loaded
// functions.php
function my_custom_buttons($buttons, $field) {
$buttons[] = array(
‘name’ => ‘red’,
‘label’ => ‘Red”‘,
‘attributes’ => array(
‘name’ => ‘style’,
‘value’ => ‘color: #F00;’
return $buttons;
add_filter(‘acf/medium-editor-field/custom-buttons’, ‘my_custom_buttons’, 10, 2);
Filter Buttons
This filter is applied to the list of buttons that will be shown. This list will contain the “name”
of each standard button as well as the “name” of each custom button that has been set up for the field.
Please note that only valid button names can be used here. See medium editor’s list of available
- acf/medium-editor-field/buttons – filter for every field
- acf/medium-editor-field/buttons/name={$field_name} – filter for specific field based on it’s name
- acf/medium-editor-field/buttons/key={$field_key} – filter for specific field based on it’s key
- $buttons – an array of button options
$field – an array containing all the fields settings for the field being loaded
// functions.php
function my_custom_buttons($buttons, $field) {
// add underline button to all medium editor fields
// set both the index and the value of the array element
if (!isset($buttons[‘underline’])) {
$buttons[‘underline’] = ‘underline’;
// unset strikethrough if it is set
if (isset($buttons[‘strikethrough’])) {
return $buttons;
add_filter(‘acf/medium-editor-field/buttons’, ‘my_buttons’, 10, 2);
Medium Editor field when toolbar is not shown
Medium Editor field when toolbar is shown
Medium Editor Settings