Meetup Widgets Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Meetup Widgets Preview Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
5 Average out of 1 ratings
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Plugin Description

For use with a group.

This plugin creates two widgets: one a list of events from a meetup group (by ID or URL name, for multiple groups use IDs); the other shows details about single event (by ID) with a link to RSVP – using OAuth if keys are specified, otherwise just a link to the event on Does require at least an API key (which it asks for on the settings page).


  1. Example of the single event detail widget, shows title, date, an excerpt of the description, number of currently-rsvp'd attendees, a link to RSVP (through OAuth if configured), and the location (linking to a google map).

    Example of the single event detail widget, shows title, date, an excerpt of the description, number of currently-rsvp’d attendees, a link to RSVP (through OAuth if configured), and the location (linking to a google map).

  2. Example of the upcoming event list widget. Lists a set number of events from the group you specify, title & date.

    Example of the upcoming event list widget. Lists a set number of events from the group you specify, title & date.

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