Members Import Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Latest Version @ BuddyPress Members Import (BMI)
This plugin allows you to batch import of users/members taken from an uploaded CSV file in BuddyPress WordPress setup and
can import all type of BuddyPress profile fields.
BuddyPress Members Export (BME)
is the plugin which can export all WordPress BuddyPress members along with their profile fields, friends and group
mapping, avatar details. CSV file exported through BME plugin can be import using BMI plugin.
It will add users/members with basic information, including firstname, lastname, username, password and email address.
Each user who is added will be a ‘subscriber’ if value not provided in csv file, and be able to login to your site.
You can also choose to send a notification to the new users and to display password nag on user login.
There are no additional options available at the moment, but if you want to add a bunch of users in one go, this will do this for you quickly.
Pro version features
– All WordPress user fields.
– BuddyPress profile fields can be import
– BuddyPress user avatar can be import
– Membership plugin fields can be import
– Free Support for 1 year
Basic Fields:
user_login, user_pass, user_email, user_url,
user_nicename, display_name, user_registered,
first_name, last_name, nickname, description,
rich_editing, comment_shortcuts, admin_color,
use_ssl, show_admin_bar_front, show_admin_bar_admin,
Pro version plugin name
BuddyPress Members Import
BuddyPress Members Export
- Create users/members in wordpress site in a single click.
- Imports all users/members fields.
- Imports user/members meta fields.
- Allows setting user role.
- Sends new user notification (if the option is selected)
- Shows password nag on user login (if the option is selected)
- If username already present in database then this user will not register, in this way we can avoid the multi use of same username.
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