Widget Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Memit Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
5 Average out of 1 ratings
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Plugin Description

Memit is a social knowledge sharing tool for you, your friends and colleagues. We aim to help you fight the information overload, connect your knowledge and change the way the world grows smarter. Together.

Click the memit-button every time you see something great, and it’s there for you at, whenever you need it. Safely stored. Easily retrieved.

See what happens when you start sharing knowledge among peers and grow your communities. Blessed with comments and contributions. Made possible by memits social tools.

Get your free account now!

This plugin helps you integrate widgets into your blog with no pain. Simple settings and step-by-step instructions are aimed to help you get started sharing your knowledge with your blog readers.


  1. Locate widget settings

    Locate widget settings

  2. You are able to get the code fou your profile mems stream and for any collection you manage

    You are able to get the code fou your profile mems stream and for any collection you manage

  3. Next step would be clicking on the "Get widget code" button, to generate your embed HTML

    Next step would be clicking on the “Get widget code” button, to generate your embed HTML

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