MimeTypes Link Icons Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
MimeTypes Link Icons is a plugin that looks for links to files and uploads in your blogs posts and adds a nice icon next to it. Optionally add the file’s file size next to the link.
Important note on v3.0 and up: This version partially breaks backwards compatibility: the plugin now requires PHP5.1+ and WP 3.5+. Please have a look at the changelog for more information about the changes.
The icons are configurable. You can choose to display a PNG with transparent background or GIF with white matte, display the icon to the left or the right of the link and choose the icon size.
Each icon is available in the following sizes:
- 16x16px
- 24x24px
- 48x48px
- 64x64px
- 128x128px
Supported File Extensions
- .3g2
- .3gp
- .ai
- .air
- .asf
- .avi
- .bib
- .capx
- .cls
- .csv
- .deb
- .djvu
- .dmg
- .doc
- .docx
- .dwf
- .dwg
- .eps
- .epub
- .exe
- .f
- .f77
- .f90
- .flac
- .flv
- .gif
- .gz
- .ico
- .indd
- .iso
- .jpg
- .jpeg
- .key
- .log
- .m4a
- .m4v
- .midi
- .mkv
- .mov
- .mp3
- .mp4
- .mpeg
- .mpg
- .msi
- .msix
- .odp
- .ods
- .odt
- .oga
- .ogg
- .ogv
- .pages
- .png
- .pps
- .ppsx
- .ppt
- .pptm
- .pptx
- .psd
- .pub
- .py
- .qt
- .ra
- .ram
- .rar
- .rm
- .rpm
- .rtf
- .rv
- .skp
- .spx
- .sql
- .sty
- .tar
- .tex
- .tgz
- .tiff
- .ttf
- .txt
- .vob
- .wav
- .wmv
- .xls
- .xlsx
- .xml
- .xpi
- .zip
- Dutch – jrf
Please help make this plugin available in more languages by translating it. The translation files are included in the download. See the FAQ for more info.
Since version 3.0, the plugin now requires PHP5.2+ and WP 3.5+.
The PHP filter extension needs to be enabled as well.
Need more ?
If you need support for this plugin or even want a completely different plugin programmed: hire Toby or Juliette!
Error Reporting
The plugin is causing errors/not working the way it should!
First thing to check is whether you are using the latest version, if not, please upgrade and check again.
If you are getting a blank screen when saving the settings, please check that the PHP filter extension is enabled – it is enabled by default in a normal PHP installation, though some disreputable webhosting companies seem to disable it. If that’s the case, contact your webhost to get them to turn it on.
You can check your server php configuration using the code snippet below:
If the error persists, please report any errors you are getting in the WP forum or on GitHub. Error reporting is much appreciated as it will improve the plugin for everyone!
We’ll need at least the following information:
- the complete error message if there is any
- a description of the problem
- the version number of the plugin you are using
- preferably a link to a page where we can see the error
- depending on the error: the WP version you are using and the PHP version WP is running on
Sometimes we may need information on the settings you are using. If you have WP_DEBUG
set to true
, you will see a list of the plugin settings at the bottom of the MimeType Link Icons settings page.
On rare occasions, like with problems with the filesize functions, we may need even more information. We will then ask you to turn on a plugin-specific debugging option.
To do so, please add the following to your (child-)theme’s functions.php file:
$GLOBALS['mimetypes_link_icons']->debug = true;
You may want to wrap this snippet in an if( WP_DEBUG === true ) {}
and you can remove it once you’ve send us the output.
Alternatively, you can (temporarily) change the variable in the plugin file, search for the following code snippet and change false
to true
* @var bool Debug setting to enable extra debugging for the plugin
var $debug = false;
Screenshot of the administration screen
Screenshot of the administration screen – advanced settings
Screenshot of plugin in action.
MimeTypes Link Icons adds icons automatically to your inline attachments.
Now you can get MimeTypes Link Icons to add the file size of your attachment, too.