Minutes, Agendas, Newsletters Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Upload and manage pdfs of minutes, agendas and newsletters for your organization.
Provides editor functions and shortcodes to display a listing or link to
individuals files. The uploaded files are stored in a user-named folder in the uploads directory
and are not indexed in the database. This allows users to mass-upload
existing files through an ftp program if necessary.
More information can be found at the plugin website
Current Features
- Upload pdfs of minutes, agendas and newsletters
- Display a table of minutes, agendas and/or newsletters by month and year
- Link to individual files
[minagnews-table show=”show-value” months_order=”ASC|DESC” omit_empty=false|true id=”id” class=”class” attr=”attr”]
show: which types of documents to show, defined by the ‘slug’ for each document type in the plugin settings, or ‘all’ for all document types. For multiple document types, use a comma separated list (e.g., show=minutes,agendas).
months_order: within a given year in the table, show the months in ascending order (ASC) or descending order (DESC)
omit_empty: if a month in a given year has no documents, should that month be omitted from the table? Defaults to false.
year: which years to display. You can enter a specific year, a comma-separated list of years, a range, or use the keywords ‘current’ for the current year or ‘previous’ for the previous year. Valid examples:year=2008
id: the id to be applied to the table
class: the class to be applied to the table, default is minagnews_tbl
attr: additional attributes to be applied, e.g., “width=’100%’”. This string will be added as is to the table tag. The table defaults to cellspacing=’0′ cellpadding=’4′ width=’100%’ unless overridden with attr=”attr”
[minagnews-link doctype=”doctype” date=”date” id=”id” class=”class” ]
doctype: the document type slug, as specified in the plugin settings
date: the date of the document, e.g., 2012-04-12, or ‘latest’ for the most current document of the given type
id: id to be applied to the link
class: class to be applied to the link
If invalid data is provided in the shortcode, a link will not be created. However, the document does not need to exist in order for the shortcode to be created (unless ‘latest’ is selected as the date).
- PHP 5+
- WordPress 3.0+
More Information
For more information about this plugin and its development, contact Brenda Egeland, brenda@redletterdesign.net
The Upload Files page.
The Visual Editor button.
The popup screen in the Visual Editor.
The Settings page.
Example of table display.