Miracle Fulfillment WooCommerce Order Integration Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
Let Us Do The Work
You have a business to run. You shouldn’t be spending time packing boxes or licking stamps. Let us do that for you.
Miracle Fulfillment is a warehousing and order fulfillment company designed from the ground up to work with small-to-medium sized web-based merchants.
This plugin will let you effortlessly integrate your WooCommerce shopping cart with our warehouse systems. When your orders hit the “Processing” status, they will be automatically transmitted to our warehouse systems. Orders received by 11:00am will almost always ship the same day. We guarantee shipping within 2 business days no matter what, but it’s rare that it ever takes more than 1.
After we’ve shipped your order, our system will communicate the tracking number back to your shopping cart and set the status to “Complete”. If you happen to use the “WooCommerce Shipment Tracking” plugin, we’ll update it there. Otherwise, a comment will be automatically created on the order with the tracking number.
Save Money On Every Package
To save you every possible penny, each individual package is rate shopped at all carriers and the least expensive shipping option that meets your required service level is automatically selected. You never have to worry about which service is going to give you the best deal because we find out on a package by package basis for every order we ship!
Free Postal Address Verification
Every package we ship undergoes address verification at no cost to you. This prevents postal returns and saves you money and saves your customer frustration!
100% Accuracy Guarantee
We don’t make many mistakes, but we’re human. The good news is we stand behind our service. If we mispick an order, we’ll credit you for the shipping cost and reship the order at our expense. If our error causes you to lose inventory and your customer won’t ship it back on our dime, we’ll also credit you your cost for the lost product.
We Pay Your Cost To Switch!
Are you already using another warehouse? It can be expensive to transfer all that stock. We will pay the cost of shipping your initial inventory from your existing order fulfillment service provider to our warehouse! And if they’ll cooperate just a little, we can even make the transition happen with zero downtime. Your customers won’t experience a single day of delay.
Radical Customer Service
When you work with us, you’ll get amazing support. You’ll also get the direct phone numbers and emails of our entire management team. You want to chat with the CEO? Call him in the middle of the night on his cell phone. Our team is here for you. (Okay, try not to call him in the middle of the night. Unless you really wanna.)
Integration with our system is super-simple for WooCommerce users! Everything you need to do is right here.