Monthchunks Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

 Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
5 Average out of 1 ratings
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Plugin Description

Display monthly archives by year with links to each month in the following compact format:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Serves as a drop in replacement for wp_get_archives( array( 'type' => 'monthly' ) );.

If you’re interested in contributing to the code behind this plugin, it’s also hosted on GitHub:


  1. This is how Monthchunks looks with the Twenty Eleven theme. You can see here that 4 years of archives (eventually 48 links) take up less than 200 vertical pixels of precious sidebar real estate. Note that if you're browsing a monthly archive page, that month's number is emboldened, but not linked. If you hover over the link for any month, you'll see the localized month name and year as a <em>tooltip</em>.

    This is how Monthchunks looks with the Twenty Eleven theme. You can see here that 4 years of archives (eventually 48 links) take up less than 200 vertical pixels of precious sidebar real estate. Note that if you’re browsing a monthly archive page, that month’s number is emboldened, but not linked. If you hover over the link for any month, you’ll see the localized month name and year as a tooltip.

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