MoodThingy Mood Rating Widget Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
MoodThingy is a plugin that any blogger can use to track the emotional feedback (Fascinated, Amused, Sad, Angry, Bored or Excited) of an individual blog post or article. The plugin can be configured to automatically appear below all of your posts, or manually placed anywhere within a post using a handy WordPress tag. A dashboard of MoodThingy stats is also offered so you can see which articles excite, amuse, or bore your readers, sorted by a particular mood or number of votes in the past day, week, or month.
A WordPress Widget is also included in the plug-in as a way to show readers the most popular blog posts or a particular mood, or in the past day, week, month or year.
MoodThingy PRO has additional features:
- Customize the mood text without having to edit the plug-in code, as well as the amount of moods. (Maximum number of six)
- Customize the other text in the MoodThingy plug-in
- Customize the mood colors
Grab a copy of MoodThingy PRO!
NOTE: If you have made changes to the plug-in code, be sure to make a back-up before upgraded to new versions!
MoodThingy Plug-in on a Blog Page
MoodThingy Settings Page, Stats Tab
MoodThingy Widget on WordPress Widgets Page
MoodThingy Settings page, Settings Tab