Motif WordPress Theme Switcher - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Motif WordPress Theme Switcher - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description

Motif WordPress Theme Switcher, changes the themes of your WordPress blog automatically everyday. You can control which theme to apply on which day from within the plugin.

Some of the features:

  • Displays all the themes you have installed in your blog in preview image
  • Assign themes to each day in a week using a matrix
  • Ability to add Google Analytics tracking code from the plugin, so that it automatically embeds the Google Analytics code in your switched theme if its missing.
  • Turn off the plugin without deactivating the plugin or loosing your settings.


There can be few issues while using this plugin depending on your setup, that you might want to consider.

  1. The plugin simply switches the theme files when it switches the theme on a given day. Possibilities are there that you have some code embedded right in one of your current theme files (for example; the Google AdSense code, or Google Analytics Tracking code). When the switcher switches to the new theme, that code might not be present in the switched theme file causing your code or ads stopped on your blog. To continue using this plugin, without stopping anything on your website, please make sure you have necessary codes in all of theme files or use a plugin that embeds for example Ad code dynamically instead of embeding in the template file

  2. The plugin tries to embed your Google Analytics code in the footer of each page, but again it depends if ‘get_footer’ action is called in your theme file. If the necessary hooks and fucntions are not used in your Theme file, the plugin will fail to embed the GA code in footer. Alternatively if your theme file has already Google Analytics code embeded and you have added the GA code in the plugin as well it will just create a duplicate GA code, which should be avoided.


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