Ms Post Type Shortcode Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The main purpose of this plugin is to display custom post type posts as well as default posts in a grid, slider, or with pagination. There are three types of shortcodes available in the plugin, each with some common and different parameters. This plugin also has grid, slider, and pagination design settings available and is very easy to use.
Without passing any parameters in the shortcode, it will display posts from the default post type ‘post’ and term ‘1’ (Uncategorized) in a grid layout.
It will display posts in a slider.
It will display posts with pagination.
You can also pass parameters in the shortcode
[ms_post_grid type='your_custom_post_type_name' ms_show_all='true']
Design and slider setting screen in the plugin.
Frontend view of the grid and pagination.
Frontend view of the slider layout.