Music Sheet Viewer Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
« Music Sheet Viewer » allows you to display a digital sheet music with Block editor, through a « Music Sheet Viewer » dedicated block or just by entering its code using the shortcode tag [pn_msv].
The supported music sheet formats are MusicXML (incl. compressed MXL files), MEI, ABC or PAE (RISM notation). The score is displayed as if it had been natively supported by the browser.
When writing scores inline, you do not need to escape HTML entities or anything. Just post your code as-is, even if the code is an XML dialect. The plugin will handle the rest.
The score is resized automatically so as to fit to the available content, you can specify the music font in which the score will be rendered and you can get the music code from a file if you don’t want to write the code inline.
You can play the score with many instruments and there’s even an option to highlight the notes as they are played!
This plugin supports multi-pages scores and when played, the pages are turned automatically.
With this plugin, never ever upload a music sheet image to your website that is not zoomable and requires a new upload every time a single note must be changed!!!
At last, it’s fully responsive!
For a complete documentation of the plugin, see this plugin’s homepage..
Just wrap your music sheet code inside [pn_msv] shortcode, such as :
[pn_msv format="abc"]
T:La Vie En Rose
(ABC code example), and the corresponding score will be rendered.
You do not need to escape HTML entities or anything, just post your code as-is. The plugin will handle the rest.
- Just enter the same code as the above in the block’s text field (but shortcode tags obviously)
- Use the Block’s properties to go deeper in the rendering options
Complete details of the different Music Sheet formats supported and possible shortcode/block
parameters are described at this plugin’s homepage..
Related Links
Example of how to write a score that can be played, and when played, how the notes can be highlighted.
Example of how to write [pn_msv/] shortcodes inside a HTML table and how they are rendered.
Example of « Music Sheet Viewer » blocks in the Block editor
Settings panel