Mytory Markdown Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

Plugin Description
The plugin get markdown file URL like github raw content url. The plugin convert markdown file to html, and put it to post content.
It also provide text mode that write markdown in post edit page. Markdown text converted to html is put to editor. Text mode don’t use url.
이 플러그인은 마크다운 파일의 URL을 받아서 html로 변환하고 그걸 포스트 내용으로 집어넣습니다.
기트허브 원본 내용 URL 같은 것을 활용할 수 있습니다.
포스트 편집 페이지에서 마크다운 텍스트를 작성하는 방법도 제공합니다. 마크다운 텍스트는 html로 변환돼 에디터에 들어갑니다.
텍스트 모드를 사용하는 경우 URL은 사용하지 않습니다.
Now you can migrate from Public link to Dropbox API
I made up Mytory Markdown for Dropbox plugin. The plugin access Dropbox using API. So I divide the plugin to Mytory Markdown for Dropbox.
Now you can install it in plugin page. This video describe how to migrate Public link to Dropbox API.
Install Mytory Markdown for Dropbox and activate it. Then see a video below.
If the video doesn’t be show, click this to go to how to migration video.
이제 Public 링크를 드롭박스 API로 이전할 수 있습니다
Mytory Markdown for Dropbox 플러그인을 만들었습니다. API를 이용해서 드롭박스에 접속하는 플러그인입니다. 별도로 만들었습니다.
지금 플러그인 페이지에서 검색해 설치할 수 있습니다. 아래 비디오는 퍼블릭 링크를 드롭박스 API로 이전하는 방법을 설명합니다.
Mytory Markdown for Dropbox 플러그인을 설치한 뒤, 활성화하고 아래 비디오를 보세요.
(비디오는 위에서 보세요.)
- This plugin get markdown file url like github raw content url. It convert markdown file to html, and put it to post content.
- You can update post by editing file on your computer. e.g. By push your content to github. Of course, you can edit directly from github website.
- If post was updated once, plugin check only URL server’s ETAG not full content. It is for speed.
If ETAG was changed, plugin get new content and update post content. Or do nothing. - The plugin only pass converted html content to editor. Saving is WordPress’s work. So revision history is preserved.
- The plugin is compatible with other plugins. Because the plugin updates only post content html. This doesn’t touch
process(vary plugins touch the process). - You can use markdown extra syntax.
- It provide markdown editor that can use in post editing page instead of url.
On admin page
On admin write page, put markdown url path. And click ‘update editor’ button. So markdown content converted to html is putted to editor. See screenshot 1.
On view page
This plugin get file url(Github raw content url is recommended). And save header’s etag to postmeta and converted html to post_content.
Next time on request same post, first this plugin olny get http etag.
If changed etag, get md content and save again, or get html from post_content.
This plugin divide title and content from md file
If markdown file has h1
this plugin puts first h1
string to post_title. Of course, remove the h1
from post_content so don’t print title twice.
Source Code
You can use Multimarkdown 6
You can use the Muitimarkdown if you install it on your server. ((Website)[])
Multimarkdown option will be enabled if a multimarkdown execution is on OS PATH and web server can run it.
Otherwise, you can define
constant onwp-config.php
ex)define('MYTORY_MARKDOWN_MULTIMARKDOWN_EXECUTION', '/opt/multimarkdown/bin/multimarkdown');
GitHub Usage 1: Create markdown file, and push it to github. So you can see it your github repository. Click it.
GitHub Usage 2: And click ‘Raw’ button on your markdown file page like below.
GitHub Usage 3: Next, copy URL and paste it to markdown file path on ‘add new post’ page in your wordpress site. Last, click ‘Update Editor Content’ button.