NetRačuni For WooCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download

NetRačuni For WooCommerce Wordpress Plugin - Rating, Reviews, Demo & Download
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Plugin Description


NetRačuni je online fiskalna kasa za online biznise.
Ovaj plugin omogućava izdavanje fiskalnih računa sa klikom na dugme iz WooCommerce prodavnice.


Nakon registracije u sistemu NetRačuni, napravite API token prema uputsvu.
Otvorite podešavanja WooCommerce/Settings/NetRačuni i upišite (kopirajte) API key u polje API token.
Izaberite okruženje da li želite koristiti test server ili live server.
Nakon uspešnog snimanja tokena (klik na dugme Save changes), pojavi se opcija za Podešavanje podrazumevane poreske stope. Ova poreska stopa će se koristiti
za proizvode koji nemaju podešenu poresku stopu. Ako svi vaši proizvodi koriste istu poresku stopu, dovoljno je podesiti
samo podrazumevanu poresku stopu.
Ako vaši proizvodi imaju različite poreske stope to možete podesiti u detaljima proizvoda, na tabu NetRačuni. Po specifikaciji
Poreske Uprave Srbije moguće je dodati više poreskih stopa za jedan proizvod.

Kreiranje fiskalnih računa

Nakon što ste završili korake podešavanja, NetRačuni plugin je spreman za izdavanje fiskalnih računa.
U detaljima narudžbe pojavi se dugme NetRačuni. Klikom na dugme pojavljuje se sekcija za kreiranje fiskalnih računa.
Ovde možete podesiti način plaćanja, i identifikaciju kupca. Identifikacija kupca nije neophodan, i uglavnom se koristi
kada želite izdavati gotovinski račun, tada izaberite PIB i upišite PIB kupca u polje ispod.
Više informacije o identifikaciji kupca pronađite u documentaciji poreske uprave.
Klikom na dugme “Kreiraj račun” podaci narudžbe se šalju u sistem NetRačuni i kreira se fiskalni račun.
Nakon uspešnog kreiranja računa pojavi se link za snimanje računa.

Slanje fiskalnog računa kupcu

Ako fiskalni račun napravite pre nego narudžba stigne u fazu “Completed”, fiskalni račun se šalje kao prilog uz e-mail koja se šalje kupcu.
U slučaju da je ovaj e-mail isključeno u WooCommerce podešavanjima (WooCommerce/Settings/Email), ili ste kreirali fiskalni račun nakon
slanja ovog e-maila, fiskalni račun snimajte iz sekcije NetRačuni i pošaljite kupcu ručno e-mailom ili drugim elektronskim putem (viber, whatsapp, messenger, itd)

Predračun, refundacija i ostale funkcije

Ovaj plugin podržava samo izdavanje fiskalnog računa “Promet prodaja”. Ako želite izdavati predračun, ili refundirati račun
to možete uraditi na korisničkom insterfejsu NetRačuni-a.


NetRačuni is an online fiscal cash register for online businesses.
This plugin allows you to issue fiscal invoices with a single click directly from your WooCommerce store.


After registering with the NetRačuni system, create an API token following the instructions.
Open the WooCommerce settings (WooCommerce > Settings > NetRačuni) and paste the API key into the “API token” field.
Choose the environment you want to use: either the test server or the live server.
After successfully saving the token (click the “Save changes” button), an option to set the default tax rate will appear. This tax rate will apply to products that do not have a specific tax rate configured.
If all your products use the same tax rate, you only need to set the default tax rate.
If your products have different tax rates, you can configure them individually in the product details under the NetRačuni tab. According to the Serbian Tax Administration guidelines, multiple tax rates can be applied to a single product.

Creating Fiscal Invoices

Once the setup steps are complete, the NetRačuni plugin is ready to issue fiscal invoices.
In the order details, a NetRačuni button will appear. Clicking this button will open a section for creating fiscal invoices.
Here, you can select the payment method and enter the customer’s identification details. Customer identification is optional and is typically used when issuing a cash receipt. In this case, select the PIB (taxpayer identification number) option and enter the customer’s PIB number in the field below.
For more information about customer identification, refer to the Tax Administration documentation.
By clicking the “Create Invoice” button, the order details will be sent to the NetRačuni system, and the fiscal invoice will be generated.
After successful invoice creation, a link to download the invoice will appear.

Sending the Fiscal Invoice to the Customer
If you create the fiscal invoice before the order reaches the “Completed” status, the invoice will be sent as an attachment with the email sent to the customer.
If this email is disabled in the WooCommerce settings (WooCommerce > Settings > Email), or if you create the fiscal invoice after the email has been sent, you can download the invoice from the NetRačuni section and manually send it to the customer via email or other electronic means (Viber, WhatsApp, Messenger, etc.).

Proforma Invoice, Refunds, and Other Features

This plugin only supports issuing fiscal invoices for “Sales Transactions.” If you wish to issue a proforma invoice or process a refund, you can do so through the NetRačuni user interface.


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